Have you ever tasted urine intentionally?
Yes I have before
Nope, yuk!
Never really thought of trying it
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Attraction to urine?

Here's my belated 2¢ on the subject.

Like many zoos, I enjoy watching animals urinate, and had wondered for years what it would taste like. My first opportunity to find out came about 20 years ago, while fondling another zoo's mare (with permission) during a party at his house. The barn lights were dim, so it was hard to see, but the sound of a horse urinating is unmistakable. My first reaction was to bury my face in her backside and get a full load, straight from the tap. One person at the party reports that after I was done I said something like "I'm never doing that again," but my own memory of the event is more positive. I clearly recall that my mustache, which I deliberately didn't wash for weeks afterwards, smelled fan-freaking-tastic. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> That was my only experience with horse urine, but I definitely want to try it again some day, especially with a stallion. I've heard from a number of sources that stallion urine can taste and smell particularly nasty, but I want to try it anyway. 'Tis better to have gulped and gagged, then never to have gulped at all. Or as they say nowadays, "YOLO."

I've tasted canine urine on a number of occasions. While walking my current female outdoors under cover of darkness, I have occasionally cupped my hand under her when she squats, then brought it up to my mouth and drank from it. All dogs are different, but I found her urine to be slightly sweet, and although not exactly "tasty," it wasn't unpleasant, either. I did have to be careful when taking the samples, however, as she (quite reasonably) expected the area beneath her to be uninterrupted, and if she felt my man mitt tickling her muff while trying to take a leak, she could get startled and jump away.

My male dogs always seemed determined to pee at the extreme end of their leash, much further away than I could reach, so I have never able to sample a male's urine in this manner. However, in his later years, my previous male became slightly incontinent, which meant that when I blew him, the ratio of semen to urine gradually shifted in favor of the latter, making his otherwise salty ejaculate increasingly bitter. His urine was much more intense in flavor and aroma than hers, and lingered on my taste buds for a few minutes afterwards. This did not, however, discourage me...or him. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

The only other species whose urine I've experienced first-hand was a steer, which peed on my finger when I slid it into his sheath. I did not, however, try to taste it, as we were in broad daylight, on someone else's farm. In retrospect, just fingering him was reckless, but I was younger and not as wise in the ways of the world.

I look forward to reading other people's experiences.


I've never really let him 'pee on me' but I have tasted my love's sheath when it was wet from an outdoor trip. I knew what to watch for and what not to try if there was anything beyond a urine scent too.. Though he was strong he wasn't unpleasant to me. Tasted kind of nice actually.. Sort of salty / having hints of his own musk.


I've tried it on occasion.  the taste and smell varies greatly between individuals.  some bitches have really potent almost ''skunky'' smelling pee (like Molly) whichhas a more pronounced taste as well. others have barely any smell and very light taste (like Karen).  its not something I do very often, but a nip on occasion can add to the intensity of lovemaking especially if the bitch is in heat. 

There is also a large difference in the taste in and out of estrus, out of heat it tends to be considerably saltier for one, and noticeably sweeter when in heat.

urine can add to the intimacy of lovemaking, just as a little feces can make anal more intimate.  of course by far the best way to taste pee is tonguing a bitch to a good enough climax she lets go in your mouth. 


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