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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

Personal comment? More like "THE Truth" ™, WarCanine, huh? As you admitted above...


11 hours ago, covfefelake said:

I'm not sure "love" even comes into the picture of your rights battle at all frankly.

Sure, it's marketable, but this is an ethics dilema, not a PR campaign.  The issue at it's core is communication/consent not whether or not you look at eachother with lovey dovey eyes...

You are right, it's definitely a communication issue for sure. The whole 'communication of consent' though is a bit of a red herring  I'm not talking about the meat industry, farming, etc.. WHat I mean, is even as a general, every day pet owner. How many things are done with or to an animal without certainty? Arranged Breedings, A.I. (Artificial Insemination) which involves -none- of the usual stimuli a Mammal receives from sex, no courting rituals, etc..

Not to mention the 'tricks' they are often taught to perform or even the often-dangerous situations they're placed in (Police Canines, for instance. A family member worked with a multipurpose before retiring (Bite work and drug detection)).

Possibly the worst thing in my opinion though is the lack of research an everyday 'owner' puts in, even on the subject of Sex-Ed (the 'EWWWWW' factor for them is too much, just want a living plushie).

Another thing, this sounds like conspiracy: please don't shoot me. Vets are -just- as guilty too, they don't mention -anything- about sexual behavior, training methods to help control it, anatomy or literally anything that could -stop-, or curb the pet overpopulation problems. All they care about is 'SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS', and most do it as early as fucking possible too! This is largely a problem in the  USA. Probably their biggest shit strat' is the good ol' 'C scare'. Make them think their precious boy is going to die from prostate cancer or testicular canser 100% unless those things are gone and now. A common bitch scare tactic is Pyometra. However, with proper routine vet care, proper vaccinations and a decently clean living environment (and lover...) the risk is virtually a non issue (yes, I know it can still happen...).

No one at all apart from the very curious, or open-minded will even accept the notion that an animal can make decisions on their sexuality: or have one in the first place.

6 hours ago, ouchies84 said:

I don't talk about it on purpose either, except when I want to troll others to get a laugh out of it. After all, I don't consider myself even a zoophile because I don't fuck animals (not anymore since months at least) and I have never ever had any true zoophilic feelings towards them (what a surprise). If you actually read my comments you'd see they bring it out of the blue in random arguments and not me.

Yeah, I poison your image on purpose. You want to know why? Not just because of negative attention, read the first part of my comment. The silencing of those who say the truth is just sad, so you all pretty much deserve the negativity until you sort your shit out. Get rid of all the hypocrisy and selfishness.

By the way, I'm not just on reddit, but also on different places. I've been witchhunted plenty of times on Steam. Back when I used to play online games I forced it down everyone's throats too, and the results were simply delicious because even in the middle of matches I'd argue with them for hours. Good times...


Wow, thank you sir: for purposfully trying even more than society does already, to make -all- of us look like shit. Just as bad as 30-30. I've seen his comments about 'not being a zoo without 'experience' or some shit. Also, thanks for using something that's a part of a lot of our lives: our attractions and our desires as a troll and an attention get, nice to know that someone who's had TWO partners in his entire life, one a true lover and one a bit more of a one-night stand (still a beloved family member, just a bit unexpected on my part, and yes I am talking about a dog.) is now going to have it worse if there's ever an 'out' or question because -someone- had to rant and rave in a conversation or argument over how much, or how many times he's fingered dog pussy. Yeah, the name WarCanine rings a definite bell now.. Good day to you sir..

No, this was not a personal attack, just a way to.. vent a little.. frustration...


WGW, funny how I´m usually connecting to the outsiders and non zoos better than anyone else from the "community" then...ever wondered about that? Maybe I´m only "shit" to those inside this "community", huh? That´s the basic problem here...most of you want a cozy place to cuddle with each other, not actual results with outside society...

And about that "without experience, you´re not a zoo": Well, you´re not a football player if you only fantasise about it. Nor are you a parachute jumper without jumping outta the goddamn fucking plane at least even once. Considering the massive amount of fantasisers among our "community" who NEVER will have actual sexual experience with animals although no one is keeping them from it besides themselves, I think it´s a quite accurate statement from my side here. Not by their words, but by their actions you should evaluate them. It´s like saying "I´m a total pothead!" , but not having smoked one milligram of weed...there´s a huge difference between fantasising about it only and actually putting your neck in society´s nooze...


2 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Also, thanks for using something that's a part of a lot of our lives: our attractions and our desires as a troll and an attention get, nice to know that someone who's had TWO partners in his entire life, one a true lover and one a bit more of a one-night stand (still a beloved family member, just a bit unexpected on my part, and yes I am talking about a dog.) is now going to have it worse if there's ever an 'out' or question because -someone- had to rant and rave in a conversation or argument over how much, or how many times he's fingered dog pussy.

You're giving me too much credit because these humans will just go along with their lives and forget about it. The only ones who make a big deal about it are the ones that aren't to be convinced anyways. You're not going to see the difference if I did it or not.

But surely you'll blame it on me when you get disrespect from an outsider, even though you know damn well it's your own fault. You shouldn't talk about it at all to others if you don't want to be disrespected.

When I still considered myself a zoophile I would always love to be in such a community because I wouldn't be alone. Turns out every single zoo community is toxic. I tried to make those things work anyway, but it's just not possible.

Even when I asked for advice, I got ignored or insulted. You know what happened because other zoophiles refused to give me advice? Longer ago, I hurt my girl plenty of times because of my inexperience. What was I supposed to do without any knowledge?

I'll admit, If I can't talk about zoophilia in a zoo community, then I'll talk about it in public. It wasn't just for shits and giggles, it was a double outlet.

So many zoophiles just have fucked up ethics and thoughts... Just like the anti-zoos, almost all of your arguments are based on your feelings. It's bias vs bias when it comes to anti-zoos vs zoos. They've pretty much got even more evidence than us.

...And then everyone tries to justify their selfishness, putting sex over other things like their animal's health. Some have sex daily or twice a day... What is wrong with you all? I could barely even do it weekly when I lost my virginity, the time when I was extremely desperate to the point I'd kill. This might be the least sex-centered zoo forum but it seems like the zoos here still are.


If you don't want to be made fun of, you shouldn't act the way you're doing right now. There's a reason why everyone thinks it's a joke when we say we're zoophiles. Not just because it's a strange thing to have a desire like that, but it's the zoophile community's rightfully deserved image.



1 hour ago, 30-30 said:

WGW, funny how I´m usually connecting to the outsiders and non zoos better than anyone else from the "community" then...ever wondered about that?

From your attitude displayed thus far here, I do wonder how this is possible, yes...  if what you say is true good for you.  Germany must be amazingly different from where I grew up, and your behavior off this forum must be massively different from that displayed here.

At any rate, personal anecdotes (especially in reference to ones own social skills) don't mean much.  Let us move on.

1 hour ago, 30-30 said:

Well, you´re not a football player if you only fantasise about it.

No.  But being a player would be akin to bestiality in this analogy.  You can certainly be a football fan by only fantasizing about it, which is more in line with the definition of zoophilia.  Zoophilia defines the attraction and not the act.


Fans that never kicked against a ball themselves are ridiculous IMHO because they simply don´t know what they´re talking (and screaming in the stadium) about... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 


14 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Fans that never kicked against a ball themselves are ridiculous IMHO because they simply don´t know what they´re talking (and screaming in the stadium) about... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

Those exist and are still fans, but...  Bad analogy really.  In this case, I'd argue your ties to this community bias you far more than they can be argued to help you be able to make judgement about it.


So, this devolved in to a shit show rather well over the last couple weeks, and I stink just like everyone else involved. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> I never intended for this, but it's nice to see who the logical, vindictive, trolls, optimists and pessimists are among us.

To avoid any further conflicts I'm going to refrain from responding to 30-30 or WarCanine (and any of his aliases: to the best of my ability), as I didn't come here for conflicts or drama: and overall this particular little zoo hideout is actually a pretty level-headed place vs 'The Worlds Largest Beastiality Board'..  Ugh, that and the three of us don't really have the most aligned  viewpoints here. Not to mention that IMHO those two don't really put forth the best line of communication, this is personal opinion of course: but because of this I'm cutting ties before I get in trouble or cause problems. I am a somewhat-hot-headed person, passionate and opinionated: but I know when I should let something die, this is one of those cases.

On 10/23/2018 at 3:35 AM, covfefelake said:

No.  But being a player would be akin to bestiality in this analogy.  You can certainly be a football fan by only fantasizing about it, which is more in line with the definition of zoophilia.  Zoophilia defines the attraction and not the act.

Thank you, again my good fellow for actually -getting- the point, and one of the basic points of this post in general. It's not as oversimplified as 'You aren't a mechanic unless you pick up a wrench'. I'm glad there are people out there, zoo or no who are still capable of analyzing something and actually putting some thought in to it.



I wish you well.


7 hours ago, covfefelake said:

I wish you well.

Oh I'm not leaving or just outright ignoring the thread. I'm just not going to spend my time getting into heated debates with those two: nor am I here, or will I allow myself to become cynical and bitter over it.



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