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zoo forum

Quote:I wasnt there long, but it is a sad day
You were there long enough to be noticed and appreciated for your contributions. Thank you for being part of history!
Quote:I wrote them a nice goodbye, but they deleted it.  Some day I'll figure out how I managed to piss in their bowl of cherios so bad.... lol
It's unfortunate that banned members there couldn't return and post. Having identified yourself, you simply painted a target on yourself! 
Someday you'll figure out it's all in the past... and that some people really like their bowl of *Cherios ©
Good luck in your new home!


Quote:You were there long enough to be noticed and appreciated for your contributions. Thank you for being part of history!
I know it's in the past HiWay.  I hope you'll respect that my name is me and I ain't changing it, for better or for worse.  I would not call what transpired in my early days there "contributions" though.  I was going through a rough patch and needed support if anything, I was not in a place to contribute back then.  I could've honestly used some support but meh...  I get it.  No one really wants to help the resident basketcase.
I told you a while ago I got the ban evasion ban.  I never understood the initial one though beyond something something i talked to some anti-zoo and said something people didn't like.  It always struck me as a very strange situation, but let's not dig that up again.
I don't blame you for liking your bowl of Cherios.  I liked it too!  The confusing part is I don't remember opening my fly, but maybe crazy'll do that!


Shit I hate edit timers.
I thought the reply to Dane Layer was quoting me.  Now that above post makes more sense, and mine makes none at all.
Oh well.


ZF had become too much "Ourselves Alone" among some of the old horse folks. New members were more or less ignored, many discussions were derailed deliberately by some of the old ones having a pretty long leash. 
Still, it is sad it has gone, but I think it had outlived its purpose anyway. 


OK Folks, I won't let this thread become a complaining thread about ZF, nor a bashing of it's members or moderation. The grand old lady is gone, this young girl is just starting to grow. Let's leave it at that. 
Nor will I let it become a bitch thread about one Mods actions there, especially when that Mod is or may become a Moderator here, nor of one Member.
It hasn't quite progressed to these levels, but I can see it happening. It's not going to, period.
The thread is therefor locked.

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