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When is a dog old enough?

Aaaaaall righty then:

Standard disclaimer:   All data and copyrighted images property of their respective owners as listed in footnotes.

ThankYouVeryMuch  (Elvis has left the building.)  


<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2019_09/dog_age_05.jpg.5dfa9713c85b8c2396099d5037f323ba.jpg" data-fileid="3737">[Image: dog_age_05.jpg.5dfa9713c85b8c2396099d5037f323ba.jpg]</a>


19 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Look, I'm sorry if it sounded a bit of a cop-out, if I find the data: I'll post it in the appropriate section, but you don't have to be snide about it..

Nothing snide intended. We're nobody's here to each other, and we know it. We either cite our source for others to examine, or we remind folks that what we claim is just our opinion, based on our experience. Some of us have much more experience than others in some things, others in other. Some more knowledge here, some there.  Even sources aren't immune to challenge though, which is why I went further than just asking for a source. As anyone can say "Because I said so...", anyone can say " My results say so...".

For instance, the study the chart above is based on is quite well known. Now folks can look at the other sources below Purina and see how many replicated Purina's results to make the study a proven and not just a theory done with a limited number of dogs and cats. Makes it harder to argue against.


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