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Just admit it already!

 Most of my mother's family (prior to her generation) lived and/or worked on farms in the southern U.S. Both my parents grew up in Midwest industrial cities.  My generation was more suburban.  The only working farms around when I was a youngster were large dairy or egg operations that I only visited a time or two on school field trips.  There were a few hobby farms here and there, but none were within a reasonable walk or bicycle ride.

 We had dogs, cats, guinea pigs and pocket pets, i.e. mice, hamsters and so on.  Therefore, I mostly learned about sex from household pets.  Ours and friends' or neighbors'.  Basically, I lost my virginity to my family's GSD bitch. She was in full, standing 'do me now!' heat and she really, really wanted something and I really, really wanted to do something with her.  Neither of us knew what needed to be done, but somehow we made it work.  Almost by accident.

 We always had a female dog; I never had a male dog in-house until I was out on my own.  There were a few male neighborhood mutts, the were always intact and typically ran loose at least sometimes.  They were more than willing to follow me into nearby woods for some mutual misbehavior.  Judging from the way some of them approached me, I'm pretty sure I wasn't their first go-round with a human.  They taught me a lot and got me hooked on canine males for life.

 I have some siblings, but I have no reason to believe any of them are or were ever seriously into critter sex.  An older brother and his friend showed me a cat's penis and held open a bitch's vulva, but that was only a one-time thing.  There was some talk about a particular neighbor boy having been seen doing things with a male dog under a bridge, but it was possibly made up for shock value.

 So, my theory is that a lot of kids may try things with animals when they first start feeling their hormones, but quickly lose interest when they discover other humans.  Every so often, though, the sexual attraction to animals does not subside and we end up in a place like this.  I didn't choose to be this way, it just happened.  You know, when the other boys were playing 'doctor', I preferred to play 'veterinarian'. ;-)


On 1/24/2020 at 7:54 AM, silverwolf1 said:

I think the percentages in Kinsey should be looked at with the newer studies, their samples considered, yet they be taken as fairly accurate over time. I'm sure bestiality existed at about the same rate in the past as it does now.

I have always had my doubts about Kinsey. How many of my fellow zoos reading this out there have ever answered the question, "Do you shag critters?"

Back in the late 40's when Kinsey was around, there was a plethora of 'bible thumpers' on radio and later TV. Revival meetings doted the landscape. So do you think many people would admit to bumping nasties with the farm critters? Any women telling about Rex and his fabulous knot? I hate to draw parallels to the homosexuals at the time, but look at what happened to the ones that were found out. One has to look no farther then Alan Turing, a man who saved hundred of thousands of lives in WWII, was he thanked? Nope they made him take drugs to suppress his evil homosexuality.

In this climate, do you think any thinking animal fucker would ever admit to doing the deed with a critter, to anyone?

I don't care if he was wearing a lab coat and had a clipboard.

 So Yes, I do think there might be as many zoos running around today as there was back then.

Meaning you don't have a clue as to what the actual number is. 


Unfortunately, I don't share your paranoia of the past being any greater than the present. 

10 hours ago, Ramseys said:

How many of my fellow zoos reading this out there have ever answered the question, "Do you shag critters?"

Quite a few, going by responses to the Melanski study & others here and other places online. Kinsey was just as anonymous, if not more so.

10 hours ago, Ramseys said:

Back in the late 40's when Kinsey was around, there was a plethora of 'bible thumpers' on radio and later TV. Revival meetings doted the landscape.

They do today as well.

10 hours ago, Ramseys said:

I hate to draw parallels to the homosexuals

Then don't. We aren't the same community. We are a unique community with it's own challenges. 

10 hours ago, Ramseys said:

So Yes, I do think there might be as many zoos running around today as there was back then.

Meaning you don't have a clue as to what the actual number is.

Nor do you, and that is my point. You seek to 'normalize' it, I seek to see it as what it is, a minority sexual choice. Maybe there are others in my family who have, maybe there aren't. Because I do doesn't mean others in my line have to have though. If that was your premise, your premise is faulty. If simply that folks in the past fucked animals, that's well known, but the why is in question. We weren't there. You opened that question.



I'd say people are less likely to admit it today, considering the legal consequences.  And still, there were more than one "Doctoral thesis" surveys proposed on BF, even given that there was little available verification that they weren't trolls, and people lined up for them.

50 years ago I was in high school; there were people who admitted and discussed critter bonking at school, on the back of the school bus, etc., in other words where parents weren't listening.  Not too specific in case any of those people are still around, but the only public consequence was people making rude animal noises when they passed in the hallway.  (Parents/family would have been another matter; a relative was run out of the house permanently when a Polaroid turned up revealing he was gay, sheep shagging would have gotten a similar response I am sure.)   

And religious freaks and cults have always been around and still are.  But many people then as now didn't appreciate being evangelized to, and they basically gravitated to each other, leaving others alone once you made your position clear.   (I haven't seen them here since I led a half-dozen of them through the rain while building fence.)   And remember the Puritans?  And priests with choir boys?  Do you think religious types are "above" riding goats?  

I'm going with the number being about twice what was disclosed back then or now, allowing for people who won't 'fess up" on surveys or questionnaires.  


I would bet on people being spectacularly less likely to admit now days given the widespread and proven paranoia about hacking and corporate data mining.


I really don't have a problem admitting, or discussing it with anyone, as long as I can place the ball in my court (easier than one thinks at times). As far as 'hacking' gues, I've commented on some of the basics in another thread.

As extreme as it sounds too: I'm also not afraid to put one between someone's eyes that decides to mess with me RL. They can say what they want online, poke all the fun at me they can have, but come to my house, try to harm me or my partner(s) and it's your last mistake.

Of course, that attitude only applies in areas like mine where defense is suported by the law as well.

Oh and just an FYI, that doesn't just apply to 'critter porkin', I mean that for thieves, vandals / people wanting to destroy what I work hard for, etc...



On 1/23/2020 at 1:26 PM, heavyhorse said:

There's DNA evidence that modern humans were "doing" other hominids; the neanderthals didn't as much go extinct as go "critter hybrid".

Beat me to it.


On 1/24/2020 at 11:28 AM, heavyhorse said:

If it were hereditary, it would likely decrease over generations; critter sex doesn't result in descendants.  

The same as being gay? That hasn't diminished ... and as someone pointed out, gay babies come out of straight parents.


I assume the percentage of animal shaggers has been steady throughout history.  The animals the general population are getting jiggy with has shifted from the days most of us were farmers, but hasn't gone away!

2 cents.


On 1/28/2020 at 8:02 PM, ferritlove said:

I assume the percentage of animal shaggers has been steady throughout history.  The animals the general population are getting jiggy with has shifted from the days most of us were farmers, but hasn't gone away!

2 cents.

THIS is pretty much what I was trying to say, but badly. Not saying things like that Kinsey was right in his figures, but that the actual  average percentage of us hadn't changed, now, then or long before then.. I just get too complicated with things sometimes. Thanks ferritlove.



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