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Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters

Yes, I came out a couple years after I started meeting other zoos in person, because I was having trouble keeping my stories straight. My parents raised me to be honest, so I never really learned how to lie effectively.
When I told them the neighbor's dog and I were "an item" (an exact quote), my mother laughed, not out of judgement, but because she honestly thought I was kidding. We all had an offbeat sense of humor and could joke about things like that. My father was more stoic; about the only thing he said was, "I don't *ever* want to catch you doing it." That was fine with me, of course. My father and I never spoke about zoophilia after that, but our relationship never suffered: he and I remained just as close as ever, right up until he passed away. My mother still expresses concern from time to time, but keeps an open mind and accepts me as I am; she and I also remain very close.
I've heard a lot of horror stories about what happens when people come out as zoo; I'm just one of the lucky ones. I don't recommend it to everyone; mine is a special case.


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Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - by Actaeon - 07-18-2017, 04:53 AM
Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - by Guest - 03-31-2018, 05:06 PM

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