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Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters

It was the mid-eighties.
With everyone else away on their own schedules, I had a bit over an hour to myself.
So I entered the enclosure of a big Bird, a REALLY big Bird! He and I had been "intimate" for several years. After a couple of minutes or so of greetings, scritches, and other "innocent" activities, we got down to some "not-so-innocent" activity!
Soon, he iwas squat on the ground, tail up, and I was crouched down on "all-threes", the other arm over his back, and my back to the door.
We were together like this, face to tail, for several minutes, when I heard hard-soled footsteps come up and stop behind me. The one person there that knew I was Zoo was on a cruise ship in Alaska at that time.
I knew I was busted.
Of all the ways I could have responded. I just stayed as I was and kept on going.
I am guessing that the person was standing there for about eight seconds.Then they just walked away. Nothing was ever spoken, only the sound of footsteps.
I then got up and peeked down the corridor. they had left.
And in the following days, nothing happened. No one ever gave the slightest hint that they had heard or seen anything.
Apparently, I was a "catch and release".
One lucky fish for sure!
Resident Hyaena ^..^


Messages In This Thread
Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - by Resident Hyaena - 07-28-2017, 05:54 AM
Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - by Guest - 03-31-2018, 05:06 PM

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