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Is it safer to french kiss a dog or a human?

I’ve been reading a bunch of articles about how clean/dirty a dog’s mouth really is, and I found what I mostly already knew: just like in a human’s mouth, there are plenty of bacterias in a dog’s mouth, but if said mouth is clean and healthy, those bacterias aren’t harmful in any way, even less so since most diseases are not transmissible between dogs and humans. Also, unlike what the myth says, dog saliva is not antiseptic, letting a dog lick your wounds isn’t really dangerous, it would just slightly increase the risks of getting it infected (in the same way it would do if you licked your wounds). The reason why dogs lick their wounds is because of the texture of their tongues, which helps to remove things like dead leaves or dirt, and thus clean it to decrease the risks of infection.
However, most of the articles I read advise to clean the area where a dog licked you, mainly because you’re never too sure what the dog could have find and ate on the ground, which I can understand. People would advise the same  after a handshake with a human.
But if you’re sure your dog has a good diet, is perfelcty healthy and hadn’t eaten anything weird for a while, my logic would tend to think that french kissing him/her is cleaner than kissing a human? Since there are far less risks of disease transmission?
If that’s true, that would be fairly ironic (and in a way, even more enjoyable). What do you think?
(not that I plan to kiss a human of course, yerk [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wacko.png[/img])


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Is it safer to french kiss a dog or a human? - by Orcan - 08-09-2017, 07:48 AM

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