Have you ever tasted urine intentionally?
Yes I have before
Nope, yuk!
Never really thought of trying it
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Attraction to urine?

12 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Not intentionally. I was once eating Tippy so vigorously that she pissed in my face though. Not a turn on at all for me, kinda bleh actually. Maybe because she wasn't in heat, but more likely just that it did naught for me. We still had sex after a quick clean-up and change in location, because the thought of having turned her on that much WAS a turn on for me. She quickly got "back up" from finger-play, as did I, and the sex was as fantastic as it always was.

Long story short though, I never had a desire to intentionally repeat that accident for flavor or turn-on. A similar incident happened with Shadow though, in heat, and again it did nothing good for me. Still doesn't sound appealing.

To each their own though, I guess, as long as no harm's involved


I've only had a dog squirt like that ounce during oral, and it caught me off guard, so I only got a slight taste of it because I backed off, so most of it ran down the wall, next to us, and soaked the bedsheets.. was so not expecting it, but that instance was solely the reason I got curious enough to try to taste a in heat bitches pee.. (that and watching male dogs do it so frequently)

I guess I'm more animalistic than others.. and yes it's a harmless "fetishism" some zoos have, no harm can really come from getting peed on, or tasting pee as in just a small amount, (I wouldn't go over board and try to drink it, that can be harmful to humans) the only thing you really have to worry about is making sure a dog knows when and where it's acceptable behavior; that's why if I wanna be marked, I'll wear specific clothing that I used for that sole purpose, dogs will only mark what they've already peed on..


Messages In This Thread
Attraction to urine? - by Cynolove693 - 12-29-2017, 03:55 AM
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