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Calling Bullshit
I am an old worn out Zoo (north of 60 years) and I have observed some things.  Certain myths and allegations keep sufacing when a group of professional crusaders start working toward a given goale.  I have direct knowledge of many of these stories and for the benefit of the youngsters among us, I will share some of this knowledge.
One of the common reccuring myths is sex with mice and other small rodents.  Sometimes it's called "felching" or sometimes they just talk about small animals coated in Vasoline.  The reality is that this just isn't possible.  Have you ever seen the places that rodents have chewed or dug through?  They can go right through solid wood.  How do you think it's going to end if you confine something like that inside your body and cut off its air?  Snopes has an excellent article (http://www.snopes.com/risque/homosexuality/gerbil.asp) on the subject.  It seems that we aren't the first target for this particular barb.

From Snopes:  "Origins:   Contrary to widespread public belief, "gerbil-stuffing" is unknown as an actual sexual practice, nor are we aware of a verified medical case of a gerbil having been extracted from a patient's rectum. Despite the assiduousness with which doctors record unusual items removed from patients' rectums in order to write them up as illustrative cases, we haven't yet found a medical journal article involving a gerbil removal. (Doctors, like most people, often repeat urban legends and stories told to them by others as first-person experiences, hence our standard for declaring this true is a peer-reviewed journal article rather than anecdote.) The notion of gerbilling (not necessarily restricted to homosexuals, as the insertion of items into the rectum for purposes of autoeroticism is practiced by heterosexuals as well) appears to be pure invention, a tale fabricated to demonstrate the depravity with which "faggots" allegedly pursue sexual pleasure."

I had regular corespondence with the guy that died after horse sex in Washington state.  We had very similar tastes in sex partners.  He was boarding his horse in the barn where the incident happened because he lived in town with his family and there was no room for a horse there.  The other people involved were there to help (handling a sexually excited horse is no small task).  There was no money paid or fences hopped.  He just did a little too much partying before and got careless, things you should *NEVER* do around any horse much less an excited one.  He could have survived experience (I did) but fear of the questions that would be asked at the hospital and the effect they would have on his job caused him to try to "tough it out".  He refused any aid until he passed out.  By then it was too late but his friends took him to the hospital anyway.  During the investigation it was determined that the horse was completely healthy and unhurt so no criminal law applied to the situation.  <sarcasm>This prompted the State of Washington to pass a strong new law to protect all of the animals.</sarcasm>

I have a history with the guy that was the other big bust in Washington State, but, no matter what you think of Doug's personal ethics, he is a Zoo and has made sacrifices to keep his animals healthy and with him.  When he was raided he was living on some largely undeveloped rural land because it was all he could afford that had room for horses.  He got the "mice coated in Vasoline" treatment from the local media despite the obvious fact that mice would be inconsequential to anyone who regularly experienced stallion sex. 

The cry of "Bestiality Brothel!" was raised because he had a foreign visitor when the raid happened.  The fact that the visitor was on a publicly announced vacation was ignored as was their long term aquaintance.  It is my belief (because the visitor is a well known amateur photographer) that they were planning to make and sell some vids to pay some of the farm's bills which were overdue (so much for the highly profitable enterprise theory).

Please notice that there are some common denominators here.  For instance, the humans and the animals are all familiar with each other.  This is the first reason that an animal brothel will never be a commercial enterprise.  Female animals are extremely selective about when and with whom they will permit sex.  Many require the hormonal changes of heat to open their bodies to the possibility and that may only happen for a few days a year.  Animals that are large enough to accomodate a human at any time are generally larger than the human (think horse).  Simply grabbing the butt of a strange animal like that will probably get you into the kind of fight that you can't possibly win.  

Male animals, on the other hand, will gleefully screw anybody anytime.  The problem is that few humans are ready for that kind of high energy, no limits sex.  A lot of newbies show up on internet sites planning things like oral sex with a stallion.  It kinda kills the mood when they learn that a stallion's glans will expand to the size of a small melon during orgasm.  It would take at most a few days for the local emergency room to become aware of anyone who allowed untrained and inexperienced humans to stand for just about any male animal.

But even more basic than that is the simple fact that no animal will co-operate with a stranger that doesn't "speak the language".  Think greenhorn on his first horse ride then multiply it by the intensity of sex.  So why do these myths and misrepresentations keep cropping up?  Simple.  Money.  The people spreading this bullshit are professionals that make a comfortable living raising money for high drama causes.  Every time one of these groups posts a picture as an example of the kind of horror they are fighting, do an image search on it.  Google will be glad to show you how.  You will be amazed how many different causes a single picture can represent.  Not a one of them has ever been proven to originate with a Zoophile.  But with a few pictures of horror and some terrible stories the donate button just starts a clickin' away.  By choosing a group that depends heavily on secrecy to survive they are assured of little to no resistance to their plans.

Doesn't really bother you because you aren't part of that group?  Then think on this for a minute or three:
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
 Martin Niemöller "

<a class="ipsAttachLink" href="http://www.zoowg.net/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=57">Calling Bullshit.txt</a>

Messages In This Thread
Calling Bullshit - by caikgoch - 06-29-2017, 01:16 AM
Calling Bullshit - by caikgoch - 06-29-2017, 01:18 AM
Calling Bullshit - by ferritlove - 06-29-2017, 10:31 PM
Calling Bullshit - by silverwolf1 - 06-29-2017, 11:32 PM
Calling Bullshit - by arcticwolf - 07-03-2017, 02:38 PM
Calling Bullshit - by Actaeon - 07-17-2017, 04:48 AM
Calling Bullshit - by 30-30 - 01-20-2018, 11:44 AM
Calling Bullshit - by Rannoch - 01-22-2018, 07:03 AM
Calling Bullshit - by 30-30 - 01-22-2018, 07:44 AM
Calling Bullshit - by Rannoch - 01-22-2018, 09:06 AM
Calling Bullshit - by 30-30 - 01-22-2018, 12:10 PM
Calling Bullshit - by Rannoch - 01-22-2018, 02:34 PM
Calling Bullshit - by Hiway - 01-22-2018, 06:14 PM
Calling Bullshit - by Rannoch - 01-22-2018, 10:59 PM
Calling Bullshit - by 30-30 - 01-23-2018, 04:39 AM
Calling Bullshit - by Hiway - 01-23-2018, 04:57 AM
Calling Bullshit - by Rannoch - 01-23-2018, 06:13 AM
Calling Bullshit - by caikgoch - 01-25-2018, 07:18 PM
Calling Bullshit - by Rannoch - 01-26-2018, 07:46 AM
Calling Bullshit - by caikgoch - 01-26-2018, 01:47 PM
Calling Bullshit - by Eagle - 02-08-2018, 07:34 PM
Calling Bullshit - by Mfkfznfp - 02-16-2018, 02:12 AM

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