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I'm here, for better or worse. Yes, the Eagle of old.

Ouchie....getting confronted with age old writings that are full of juvenile enthusiasm and naiveté definitely must hurt.... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

I honestly laughed at the entire "we zoos are all sooo likeminded folks" schtick.....and honestly hope Eagle knows better now.

Eagle, I´m not looking down on you for writing this, how could I as I was experiencing the same "mythical illumination" when I first found other "animal enthusiasts" on the internet in the beginning of the 90´s. It surely is some kind of epiphany when you´re trying to deal with your sexuality and basically think you´re alone with this and all of a sudden, there´s a whole lot of unexpected "likeminded" folks accessible by a few clicks. But I quickly found out that we´re not as unanimously thinking as you wrote in your text...that connecting with each other would not effortlessly bring us closer to tolerance. That this whole online thing also included a shitton of possible fuckups, dangers and could lead to a "sell-out" mentality accepted by the overwhelming majority. And what can I say, "we" managed to steer into literally each obstacle, minor or major, just as we were deliberately and willingly seeking for a collision course with anything that remotely came into our operating range. While we keep the utmost distance to the real issues with zoophilia and bestiality, of course...

I really hope you developed a more realistic attitude within the 21 years between that text and the present...and simultaneously wonder whether these "first contact" imprint situations are contributing lots to the current stubbornness and unwillingness to change attitudes although any attempt to gain more tolerance went down the drain fast under the current , commonly accepted "zoo dogma"...could it really be that many of us can´t really overcome their delusions because literally were imprinted with that "anything goes" crap when they first made contact to the "zoo scene" ? I´ve heard way too much heading the direction of "When I first made contact with online zoos, I felt like I was reborn" to be able to discard the possibility of literally coining the common, uneffective and highly naive mindset of many zoos right into them "at birth" by our community. The simple fact of the total lack of self reflection, especially in younger zoos, the perpetuated complete naiveté despite of the harsh realities out there, the highly idealised mindset often also inducing some sort of "pervo superiority" (" Because I fuck animals, I have superior, secret knowledge...")...I don´t kid when I demand that our community has to finally grow out of its infant stage and become mature.



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I'm here, for better or worse. Yes, the Eagle of old. - by 30-30 - 02-26-2018, 02:12 AM

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