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I'm here, for better or worse. Yes, the Eagle of old.

I lurked I think one day after coming to my first zoo forum, promptly getting into an ethics of fence-hopping debate (it was more a one sided argument) and learning all Wolf could teach me about flames. I resumed lurking, for months, before writing my first poem and posting it and an old one I'd written pre-internet, on the original Pet Lovers Forum. I also returned to the first forum and honed my debating skills while growing a thick skin. 

I had no high expectations when I came online, no more than hoping for a place where I could talk about losing Tippy. I wasn't even looking for a bestiality place, just a place for pet loss. I found one on AOL, but found also the new to me feeling of being out of place. Unlike many, I'd never questioned my sexual preferences, nor felt a social loss due to them (maybe because I also had "normal" hetero human relationships, but I can't say for certainty why) until I found that place where I should have been welcome. A user of that forum turned me to that first zoo forum though...

I've owned 5 forums, been admin or mod of many more, and write on several zoo oriented sites today, and feel more out of place now than then. I've considered going dark again. I'd done so in 01 and lurked for 14 years, but I learned from that too. Once you first delurk, for good or bad, there's no going back.  



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I'm here, for better or worse. Yes, the Eagle of old. - by silverwolf1 - 03-01-2018, 01:20 AM

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