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I'm here, for better or worse. Yes, the Eagle of old.

To 30-30

Thank you for your measured and considered response.

Regarding my delurk, things have substantially improved in that area since then. Indeed, it began immediately after that first post. Valerio expressed a willingness to leam more, and was receptive to what I had to offer. Most of those that have responded to subsequent writings have also expressed a desire to learn more.

I have tried to answer their inquiries as best I can, and the results have been definitely positive.

It's been more of a mixed bag at that "other" forum; the Admin there is still negative on the idea of Ornithosexual activities, though by his response in the aforementioned Ostrich thread, his regard of it *may* have progressed a bit from pure dogma to "dogmatic", tempered with a measure of skepticism.

A tiny difference, but any move away from dogma, even a baby step, may be significant.

Individuals there however, have generally been much more receptive and curious as to Ornithophily.

I do fully understand your misgivings and concerns about my veracity, especially considering those same regards for the more dubious elements within the community at large. But it also appears that you may be willing to look beyond the "mammalian reality tunnel" you have named, and may want to know more about Ornithophily & Ornithosexuality, or "Avian Zoo" to use a more pronounceable term.

If you do want to know more, feel free to ask, and I will try to answer as best I can. There are considerations though. With "real world" issues commanding real time, plus limited dexterity and quick manual fatigue as regards typing,  responses - like this one - may be subject to a substantial delay.

Plus, I have an ongoing Zoo story I need to keep working on and get the installments posted.

I will try to be as honest as I can, but as per the obvious issues of safety, certain info will necessarily be modified or omitted , though that should not affect its basic veracity.

No need to feel sorry for me for any slights on other's accounts. Unlike many others who have had a hard time facing their own "Zooishness", I was fully content and "right" with my Ornithophily from the very start, and  have been so ever since.

And I will always be so, unless Alzheimer's, permanent coma, irreversible brain trauma, or a similar condition robs me of it (and thereby robs me of "Me"), or if death first takes me outright.

It is for other Ornithophiles that may not be so "lucky" that there should be concern.


Resident Hyaena ^..^



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I'm here, for better or worse. Yes, the Eagle of old. - by Resident Hyaena - 03-07-2018, 02:33 AM

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