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Born:  1951

Location:  Oklahoma

Orientation:  Straight zoo exclusive

Art/Author:  Um, no


If you think I’m me, you're probably right.


You probably know me from several other boards past and present, (member, staff).


One or 2 of those boards have so much drama/ baggage, that I won’t burden this one with that baggage, so have a different user name here.


Yeah I'm old.  There it is.  Social security.  Not rich enough to quit working.


I've been zoo exclusive since I first became aware of my sexuality.  Lost my virginity to a pony mare.  She lost hers at the same time.  

Back in the day we (sometimes) discussed "animal stuff" on the back of the school bus, after we were out in the country and the city kids had gotten off/weren't on yet.  Everything then was local.  Wasn’t internet for decades (barely is now, rural internet sucks Big Hairy Bull Balls).  

Back then it was "your own business", and the penalty for getting stupid with your little secret was people making rude animal noises when you walked by.  (Not me; Ba-aaa-aaa-nly the sheep shagger).



Of course I have many women friends and colleagues, but the human body just doesn't do it for me.  Not because of any one thing, just grew up on a farm and, well, critters are beautiful!  We had a thousand goats, m/l (base herd = 800, plus kids), the Old Man having tried other types of livestock with remarkable lack of success; the goats did pretty well.  As he was always preoccupied elsewhere, most of the "animal chores" fell to me, with my complete approval.  

The Old Man had some kind of grudge against animal sexuality; any animal not meant for breeding was de-sexed before it ever set foot on the place.  Spayed/neutered dogs.  The breeding stallion got de-nutted for making the Old Man look the fool.  The cattle were steers.  (With one notable exception; we (me) took care of a Jersey milk cow one summer when the owners were away.  I learned to milk gallons by hand, and the cow got "taken care of".)


I have -intimate- knowledge of almost all livestock species females that can be found in Oklahoma, with the notable exception of cervids and camelids (though I plan to get an alpaca; a Great and Wonderful Friend, no longer with us, discussed at length reindeer and alpacas, and while I would love to have a reindeer, it's just too unfriendly climate for them here.  But there are alpacas in the area.)  Also known bitches of many dog breeds, (and a few males, for production only).


Current residents:

Dane bitches, Mastiff bitches, potbelly pig sows, "natural" pig sow (let me know where I can contact an Island Sow please--), pygmy goat does, hair sheep (production herd, and a couple "favorites"), donkey jack, mini-molly mule.


My work often takes me to other people’s farms, where I get to see a lot of stuff.  

Do I “do” other people’s animals?  Nope.

Do I think other people “do” their animals?  Seems likely I know a few.

Case in point:  I was working on equipment in a machine barn; I left the sliding door open for extra light.  Shortly a very large, clean sow sauntered in like she owned the place, came over and inspected my work, and flopped down right against my legs; I had to lean on her to keep from falling.  She remained there for the duration; as the work progressed she was actually in the way, but she was so “inspirational” that I didn’t want to make her move, I leaned on her and across her until the job was finished.  Then I got a handful of dog food and ushered her outside with it; I didn’t want her to get in trouble when the owners came home, then I left.  

Was she expecting something besides dog food?  Maybe.


It’s a dirty job.  And I get to do it……. 




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