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Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters

As far as potentially embarrassing (I didn't get caught):

So many decades ago, in my early teens, after the move from the goat farm, we had no animals.  Sometimes after everyone went to bed, I rode an old bicycle (dark and silent) to one of a few neighbors that had farm animals.  ("Neighbor" in the country is within a mile or two.)  This particular night I soon had a doe goat standing on 2 milk crates, "taking it all in".  (Yes I know; that was long ago, different times).  Then for whatever reason, it seemed like a good idea to see what deep-throating a goat feels like.  So shortly, very hard and engorged, I was as far down her throat as I could manage, thrusting for deeper.   Then I suddenly found out why this is a resounding Don't try this at home! moment; her back teeth caught the head of my dick, Deep!   Blood everywhere (engorged, remember).  I'd had First Aid merit badge (that used to be a thing), I wrapped one of my socks, stretched tightly, around it and beat it back home (about a mile).   Everyone still asleep, thankfully, my dick gone flaccid and the bleeding almost stopped from the tight sock, I washed up in the utility room sink, cleaned and bandaged it pretty tightly, taped a sandwich bag over it to avoid possible blood stains on my clothes later on that would bring unwanted attention.  Then repeatedly rinsed the clothes I had been wearing and wrung them out as much as possible, washed down, well, most of the utility room, and went and laid down in bed.  (Certainly no sleep).   Lots of private time over the next couple of weeks, checking and re-bandaging.  

55 years later I still have a 3/4 inch scar on the head of my dick.  Humans don't have occasion to see it, and animals don't care. . . . . 


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Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - by heavyhorse - 03-29-2018, 04:38 PM
Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - by Guest - 03-31-2018, 05:06 PM

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