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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

23 hours ago, Danelove said:

guess right now I'm rationalising my attraction somewhat as being very little in difference to being bisexual or a lesbian; there is a latent desire that I didn't know I had until recently, and I'm trying to figure out what that means, to decide whether I am in fact emotionally or physically harming Nelson, the long term repercussions of my relationship with my boyfriend and the consequence and outcome of pursuing such a lifestyle.

I don't...Think I could exclusively be with my pupper, but I have to confess that since my boyfriend kind of...Walked me towards experimenting, a lot has made sense in my life and I don't think I could go without the intimacy from my pupper either.

Sadly most of these things you'll have to discover on your own Dane, many of us can offer some advice: but one of the hardest things about this is, that it's very personal obviously. Something I can tell you first-hand: don't listen to the strong pessimism floating around the net, don't beat yourself up over it. Researching is a good thing and self-discovery is as well, but as stated in my OP it can lead to very dark places if you're led astray by moral posturing and society itself.

You definitely are an inclusive, that's for sure (IMHO, that is). There's no problem in that either as long as you and your human S.O. are on good terms and will stay so, things can go nasty though if there's a breakup or something though.

As far as your pup, apart from say eagerness for an action, I'd say if he's A) returning and B) not showing signs of duress for an action (E.g. lowered / tucked tail, nervous panting, skittishness, etc..) you're most definitely not harming him mentally. If there's anything you'd like to discuss further or in private I'm open to PMs. Also, on a quick note: an animal, unless routinely exposed and forced to accept it: will very clearly and very easily show signs of discomfort or pain. Yelps, growls, nips, backing away and even outright bolting are all signs that something is physically not right: though not always, so care is a must here.

9 hours ago, covfefelake said:

It's certainly a paraphilia.  But it's NOS (not otherwise specified) in the DSM if I'm not mistaken.  Such disorders are typically treated only as mentally harmful if they cause the individual distress.

Correct, it is a Paraphilia and a rather unstudied one at that. It's origins are somewhat unknown (to my knowledge) as are it's causes (like with most Paraphilias). It can be a Mental Disorder or classed as one if it's caused the person harm or major distress, or interferes with daily life. Like you said though it's hard to really prove or disprove it's true status as a disorder or a simple 'oddity'.

One thing too: we don't even know the full extend of our own brains, so there's no way we can one-hundred percent say -what-- is going through our non-human partner's / lover's brains. It's a big unknown on a lot of fronts. We can only really go off of reading their 'communication' (body language) and the assumption / fact that a non-human -usually- doesn't practice things like deception.


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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more. - by WinterGreenWolf - 10-19-2018, 09:09 AM

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