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Hi...I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I need an outlet

I took a look at reddit, bbut...It's full of the usual animal rights activists that bizarrely attribute some animals as being aware and having feelings, but only to the degree of being a child and thus...Not able to make their own decisions like...What they find attractive etc.

Apparently incest is ok though, so should I ever feel like throwing myself on one of my parents, a sibling, or extended family, I'll be accepted and welcomed and...Asked to share a dangerous amount of information with perfect strangers looking to crack one out. Good to know.


OK, where to start. I am...A girl, 22, and I have always loved animals - specifically, I'd always loved Great Danes; growing up, my mother if she were busy, would sit me down in front of Scooby Doo and it would entertain me for hours; to this day whenever I'm feeling a little down - I'll pop in a DVD of Hanna Barbera cartoons and it'll cheer me up without fail. I've actually been studying traditional animation because I was inspired by Hanna Barbera - I mention this, because as indulgent as parents can be to only daughters, my first pet companion was given to me by my dad when I was 7 that I proceeded to call Scooby, and when he passed in recent history I was heartbroken. He'd been my friend growing up.

After he passed, I really hadn't been all that interested in finding a replacement, but going through University has been something of a lonely experience; I had a boyfriend that I'm still friends with but the dynamic's somewhat changed, and so around a year ago a friend of mine fully aware of this mentioned that they'd had a Lab/Dane mix that needed to be rehomed because his one previous owner had passed quite suddenly. Nelson is lovely. Not quite as attentive and passive as Scooby was, but I like the vibe; he reminds me to get out from behind the mac to take him for walks, is completely unafraid to inform me when he's hungry, he is very much the man of the house in that respect - a lot of my schedule when I am home and not working revolves around dealing with his energy. Which brings me to now. And my boyfriend.

My boyfriend, I have discovered recently has a certain fixation with a zoo site that features content from a certain...Vixen (I don't know what the rules are for mentioning sites here, but I'm happy to keep things as anonymous as possible) It was during an evening alone that I'd slipped onto his computer because mine was busy encoding for a project I'm working on, when I came across his library; I clicked on one, I admit to being a little shocked and repulsed, but I scanned through the videos, had a massive argument with him, and then came the calm after the storm where we just kind of talk things out. You see that's what I love about my fella; we can usually figure things out, and as he talked about the things that he loved watching, the more it made sense, and I think it kind of flipped a switch in that submissive part of my brain where I kind of wanted to fulfil and meet that desire within him, and so after a little talking, we discussed the idea of possibly including Nelson in limited bedroom activities (as in I've given Nelson oral in front of my boyfriend, but not much else I kind of get self conscious).

Which is where I'm at now; Nelson appears to love the extra attention, and both my boys seem to love being the ones in charge, and I'm...Trying to redefine my parameters. Instinct, society teaches me that I'm kind of a slut for enjoying a deeper dynamic with my mate and my boyfriend, and I'm on that cusp of not entirely caring.

So yeah. Not sure if my rambling is making sense. I'm writing this on the fly while I have a few minutes alone.


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Hi...I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I need an outlet - by Danelove - 10-16-2018, 08:33 AM

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