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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

Consider very carefully: How much actual experience does the individual making this statement have that is relevant to the question?

Have you ever seen horses having normal horse sex?      (If not just search "horse mating" on Youtube)     Yet we are regularly told that a human male with a seven inch penis can injure a Clydesdale mare.      Consider also that when the SCotUS threw out all the old sodomy laws if favor of the "Harm Principal", PETAoids everywhere rushed to pass new laws that enabled prosecution without any evidence of harm.   

All you really need to know for your own peace of mind is this:  Does he keep coming back for more?     If he does, you aren't hurting him.


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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more. - by caikgoch - 10-17-2018, 12:32 AM

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