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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

Wow, so this generated far more conversation than I thought it world.. Where to start?

So, to 30-30: though I've not been around as long, and a lot of my communication on the subject -has- been online, I'm afraid I'm not a fan of your pessimistic viewpoints: but they are yours to have. Before I made this post I knew some feathers may be ruffled and honestly a bit more of a 'modern look': both inside the Zoo community and outside it are a good thing IMHO.

Regarding Labels, I realize that labels aren't everything: overusing them is a very bad thing as well (think the modern-day, third-wave feminists and the 'me too' movements: alongside most of these other calls to 'social justice'...). The thing is, we're already labeled to a certain degree, like it or no.. 

One of the biggest problems is definition and their poor use. As I've stated there's -still- people who call Bestiality zoophilia: they are not the same term, as I've said though, they overlap and even interlap at a lot of points.

I do agree with the 'give and take' in a relationship: especially in a Zoo one where it's necessary for the human to make a lot, or most all of the decisions of the goings-on around their daily lives. As far as whether you are hurting your partner or not, usually they're pretty clear: which is why I keep the personal motto of go slow and watch the signs.

Not to a point of exclusion, ousting, or chastising someone: but I do think getting some basic labels and terminology straight could be good: what effect will it have and can it happen? Who knows, society and the world move at such a speed: and things come out of nowhere in a rapid blur only to turn in to either a huge dumpster fire or a major achievement...

The one thing I will stand by for sure though: no matter what, the label of Zoosadist is a valid and deplorable one as well. I've seen it first-hand from some very shady people, there are people who unfortunately delight in the pain of another: including animals. Which, I can see where 30-30 could draw some of the negative connotations from: using huge objects or just shoving your fist up a mare.. Yeah, seen that too. 

Anyways, I'm not really going to drag in, bring up or discuss Zoosadism or any form of masochism with an animal, even seeing one in pain does a number on me: the thought of purposfully causing discomfort / pain? No thanks...



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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more. - by WinterGreenWolf - 10-17-2018, 07:45 AM

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