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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

1 hour ago, dogina said:

So all I have to do is not admit it? That seems easy enough.

Aren't most zoos extremely vague? I know that everyone knows I don't get along well with other zoos, but this isn't mean as an insult. I'm genuinely curious if a normal human out there sees the same as me.

Half of the posts I read here just don't make sense. Their way of writing things is often confusing and seem to lead nowhere.

My reading comprehension clearly isn't screwed up because I only have this issue when it comes to zoophilic boards. Again, not an insult, but I feel like it hints that zoophilia is caused by mental issues or at the very least comes with mental issues.

Doubt you'll answer, but it's something worth nothing at least.

You just can't help yourself though. Ego! You could exist and participate quite well here but, YOU MUST BE KNOWN! You cannot have it any other way. Thus, your new account, like the last, gets banned. No favoritism. No-one not banned has threatened anyone on the board as you had. Though the one you threatened most was also banned (for his own violations), you still felt it appropriate to threaten others. That cannot be tolerated here. Thus the permanent ban under any knick-name or persona. 30-30, who you see as treated better than you, has never threatened anyone. His opinions are unpleasant to some, unpopular to many, and grating in their expression but they are his POV and as valid in expression as anyone elses are here. He has committed no bannable offence in doing so. I'll not discuss a users moderation punishments in open forum, nor feel the need to prove there have been any. 


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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more. - by silverwolf1 - 10-18-2018, 09:09 PM

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