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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

1 hour ago, 30-30 said:

...and I´ll keep my "fakes death in the internet and pretends to be an outsider" chart ready as well...

Clever.  You are quite the one trick pony (pun intended).

Begging the claim.

Oh, and I hope you realize many here know what actually occured with Rannoch, and you are doing yourself no favors by appearing to be such an ass to a sensitive issue.

Ask yourself:  Registrations were closed here for some time, and yet I applied and even got an account somehow.  Could it not be that I have indeed been independently validated to be who I say I am?  If so, how does that make you look right now?

Food for thought.


I'm puzzled what Rannoch would've gained by faking his own death anyway, seeing as he was obsessed with maintaining a persistent online persona?


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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more. - by covfefelake - 10-21-2018, 06:46 AM

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