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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

You´re thinking too simplicistic here, covfefe. Society is not what this community says it is, it´s not completely and inherently hostile to zoophiles. At least that´s my experience...and that of some other zoos.  Logical deconstruction of echo chambers won´t work, never worked and will never work. You cannot fight emotionally felt "oppression" with reason, believe me, I tried it for ages. And failed. Especially when the "target audience" develops horrendous social dynamics in this bubble and aren´t willing or able to objectively see the light of reality, that they aren´t oppressed and much of the hassles they have to endure do stem from their unwillingness or incapability to find compromises with society. No, it´s always that "oppression" soundbit that "justifies"  ridiculous demands of "totally free zoophilia" and "if you´re not encouragingly padding my back while I fuck my animal, you´re an intolerant hater". 

We erect a parallel world, a parallel society with our forums, we blow up the bubble even more. "We are right! And you´re not!!". Yet we don´t have any more hard evidence for any of this than the fanatical antis. But we still think of ourselves as superior because we "tolerate". That´s our superiority beacon. "We are the tolerant ones and therefor, MUST be right!" A cheap place to retract if nothing of substance can be said. Just take the commonly accepted dogma of suppression, are we really suppressed? To my knowledge, all those who´ve had contact with the authorities have done something idiotic to gather authorities´ attention...and those who refrain from that will probably never ever have to deal with police and judges as animals "don´t snitch". Another thing: While in the beginning, zoophilia was about the animals first and foremost, nowadays it´s the "zoophile" what this is all about. Egotistical, self centered and unrepenting. If I have to endure this "oppression" for the wellbeing and safety of my mares, I WILL ABSOLUTELY DO SO and accept any hardships coming my way. That´s what real love should be about, right? Yet I cannot find that attitude all too often in our "community". Any compromises that would curb "freedom" are rejected, apologetic mumble about caught fencehoppers and other eejits prevails instead of calling out those among us who are actively worsening our public stance because "it´s all society´s fault anyway". Trench fight mentality. Clenched fists instead of offered hands. Self proclaimed "teachers" who cannot even teach themselves the right things. Playgrounds instead of battlefields, kids playing soldiers. Shying away from any responsibility instead of accepting it openly . We are our own worst enemies. 


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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more. - by 30-30 - 10-22-2018, 12:16 AM

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