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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

What´s less selfish than going through hardship for someone, somebody, somehorse else? Can you present an example? 

And damn the internet for fooling easily foolables and gullibles into mistaking it for reality. Reality is different and no one cares about "zoophilia" unless you make ´em care about it by drawing attention. I´m not oppressed and I doubt anyone else in here is. Laws are laws, but as a longtime weed smoker, maybe I´m just used to give a fuck about laws anyway, especially when chances of getting caught are slim to none unless you do really stupid things. Learn to deal with it responsibly and no one will bat an eye.  Yet still this community is fixated on "teaching outsiders", but still hasn´t learned the relevant things themselves.

@Heavyhorse: Consider yourself frenetically applauded by me. 



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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more. - by 30-30 - 10-22-2018, 04:13 AM

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