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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

5 hours ago, covfefelake said:

I don't know.  I learned some things from my limited time here.  But I'm unusual, admitedly.

I agree society is not at a place right now where they want to even consider you least of all grant you any tolerance.  But if you ask me that's equally on society as it is you.

And yes there is an echo-chamber effect here.  All closed-communities/"members only" clubs get like that.  I find devils advocate and logical deconstruction of arguments useful to fight this if you care to.

You, good sir: are the kind of people I made this sort of post for! I don't go out on the streets shouting 'LEARN ABOUT ZOOPHILIA HERE!', that's fucking idiotic and will probably get you shot. I don't give a shit about the public in general: however, it's the curious-minded like yourself that we should try ti interact with. I am sorry that you ended up here on the circumstances you did though. Even though you are neutral or unsure: that's still miles better than the usual 'communication' we receive.

26 minutes ago, covfefelake said:

Personslly, I'd say if you are attracted to animals you are zoophile.  And no, it's not zoophilia that is illegal, but it's physical manifestation as bestiality.  That I view as problematic.  But one can certainly be a legal zoophile.

It appears we share a common mindset here: this guy gets it! These are the good first steps to a more involved dialogue, research and even some studies about us. Hell IMHO we're less understood than murderers in some ways. Also, the statement about an 'Echo chamber' is very true: more so since we have to keep so 'tight' about everything.

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

Seems like "some of us" are way more into the Social Media aspects of Zoo, than the animals.  Whole pages of how horribly society treats us as we try to make social commentary, "educate" them, define us, disappointment that we are unappreciated by humanity, etc., etc., etc,.  And one sentence about animals.

Over 50 years of being zoo, the first 30 without any Social Media at all.  Complete secrecy, my business and no one else, happy about it.  If the dreadful "world's biggest bestiality board" showed me anything it was the wisdom of not going public.  

Social Media is an awful idea.  If it draws you like a moth to a flame, it destroys your life, but you just keep going back and learning nothing, THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM !    Quit trying to make the world aware of our high moral standards, their horrible oppression of our lifestyle, their whole awful misunderstanding of us, how much better things would be if we went more public and educated them all.  And how gawdawful life has become for "some of us" because of how abused "we" are for not learning to simply STFU.   Life is just not worth living if "we" can't make a huge spectacle to others of our wisdawsomverbositiviness?

I hope you're not referring to me here. I don't have -any- 'social media' accounts and it's going to stay that way: I can't stand human's stupidity on a daily basis in most normal situations around my life, let alone seeing the cesspool of everyone else's dumb shit. Hell I don't care about the news, I don't care about politics or political discourse to be fair, but that's a rant for another time possibly... Only exception is if it effects me directly or my loved ones / friends directly.. Or it's a 'huge thing' that could effect me. A bit dystopian I know but what can I say: I am a little detached to most of the social fabric in general.

I'm going to name drop here: especially considering these people were *TERRIBLE* samples and were both prominent in Social Media not only for throwing themselves out there but in one case for their shit information on the subject.. Or at least on Bestiality..

'Whitney Wisconsin' - the 'zoo troll' as myself and friends came to know her, and 

'Aluzky' - a guy who wanted to 'fight for Zoo Rights' (stupid anyways), but who also made videos of himself having sex with other's pets: not only that but who has reportedly (from his -own- words) had sex with hundreds of dogs. He had valid points in -some- cases, but made himself look like an idiot most of the time due to the fact that he threw up his 'Zoo Crusade' in people's faces: posting it on Social Media, making YouTUbe Videos, you name it, he did it. Society at large is not -ready- to deal with us yet: and constantly babbling in videos and on Twitter is only going to make us look worse. Let people who are curious, interested or questioning *come to you first!*

Now Whitney, oh good god Whitney.. She was a dumpster fire. Her only argument was Pro-Bestiality, not Zoophilia as a whole, but it didn't help. Especially since most people don't know the difference between the attraction and 'the act'. It also didn't help that her reasons were 'well, the Greeks did it!', 'you can't get knocked up', and 'you can't catch STDs...'. She also talked about the subject as if she was teaching a horny teenager to use a Dildo...

So yeah, in short don't fucking babble to everyone that you like dog dick, especially on the Social clap traps of the internet.. No one is going to like or support you for it. Again, let them come to you. I did with my friends and about 90% of them were not only accepting but didn't actually see much issue with the subject as a whole. Granted most of these people I've known for five-plus years.



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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more. - by WinterGreenWolf - 10-22-2018, 05:57 AM

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