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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

We shouldn´t only try to interact with outsiders interested in our side , but also generally try to make it as easy as possible for outsiders to connect with us by staying "civil" in what we´re trying to sell to them. It´s not exactly a promising approach to insist on "being in a zoophile relationship with two men, a female, three shemales, six dogs, a water buffalo, twenty dragons, Sonic the Hedgehog, a couple of snails, a grasshopper and your pubic lice" , that´s not what most people ever will identify as "love" as they know it. Hence the possibility to see something in your "love" that resonates with them is zilch right from start. Or, to put it in simple terms, let the role models do the talking with the outside. It would tremendously help everyone if only the ones unfit for "public contact" would STFU for once. Zoophilia always was, is and will be a weirdo magnet, but no one has said that it´s obligatory to let those weirdos do the talking for the entire scene. 

The latin proverb "si taces, consentire videris" ( If you remain silent, you seem to agree) should also be kept in mind...speaking of Aluzky, there are still more than enough "zoos" out there who see him as a "hero" regardless of what he did and probably still is doing. Or the many cases in which a "zoo" got caught and our community automatically switches to defense mode, like the Espenau case. That´s what I (and heavyhorse too) are probably speaking of when we are saying "So much babble about zoophiles, but just one sentence about the animals". It really seems as if the animals have become just an accessoire to many..."Ihr habt lang vergessen, was die Prio is´" (You forgot long ago what the priority is)...and that´s not like it should be with folks insisting on "being the true animal friends". Just recently, the dailymail reported another case of a dog that has been put down because of bestiality...it doesn´t help zoophilia if we turn out to have adopted PETA´s Janusheadedness...which many of us obviously have. "Me and my interests before the animal" is NOT how the first zeta rule goes..."THE ANIMAL ALWAYS COMES FIRST"...even if you are "suffering" under the "oppression", it´s the animals whose safety and wellbeing comes far before yours. That´s what zoophilia is and there´s NO F´ing way you will redefine THIS like you did with the z-word, á la gusto. Real love defines itself by what you are willing to GIVE, not what you get.

Social media: the modern day poison massively influencing everything. If you don´t want to take it from me, just go over to reddit and search for "EquusCanis" and the constant fights he pulls off over there by "accidentally" letting slip he fucks animals. Drama, attention whoreism, belligerence...and all for..what? Pounding it down society´s throat against their will and wondering they spit it back out in your face? Really? Always be aware of how controversial zoophilia is and how badly we are represented with all the porn out there, many of it directly contradicting everything we claim...harmlessness, real love for the animal etc. etc.  Always ask yourself if you would put trust in the words of an "animal fucker" with all the hard evidence out there, the porn , the fencehopping, the financial exploitation of animals in the name of "zoophilia". Stand back from your own feelings and try to objectively decide whether you would believe any of us claiming real love for an animal...try to see through a normal´s eyes. Well, if you can´t be stopped being an "activist", that is...society never will accept zoophilia and bestiality on a large and generalised scale all of a sudden, but you surely can change minds of those close to you. Your friends who know more about you, who know what a person you are, that should be your target audience, not a general public ; and especially not with all the evidence that blasts our every single word of defense in an instant. Don´t try to win a battle that has been lost some decades ago already, don´t flog the dead horse. Have some self respect as zoos and understand what is happening, is going on in society, with all the Piunyans, Spinkses and Aluzkies out there. Don´t insist of "scientific reasoning" about a topic that´s almost entirely dependent on irrational feelings of love, I´ve rarely seen "zoos" trying to argue with their deep and innate feeling for one particular animal, yet that´s the best bet for us. I remember my own riding instructor, the one who´s been teaching me to become a riding instructor mentioning how my facial expressions became instantly softer when I was with my Hannover mare...she said "You really love your mare, aren´t you?" more than once. You cannot hide true love, others will get it from your mimics and your behaviour, no need to extend "explanations" long and wide. Manifest and demonstrate, don´t rely on talking. This community won´t prosper until we finally quit being the "padding station" for "zoos" with self esteem issues. Talking to others in forums like this, seeking their reassurance WILL NOT get rid of  your inner conflicts, it will only lay a nice layer of pink candy over it, but the issue reamins because you cannot find salvation in talking to others, you can only solve this conflict by yourself and with yourself. There´s no other way. Not the community and their reassuring babble, not trying to bury the conflict, ´cause it will be rising from its grave like a zombie. Have some self respect. 


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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more. - by 30-30 - 10-22-2018, 10:54 AM

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