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How I found here

1 hour ago, Zeaux said:


Haha that *was* a very long time ago.  5 or 6 computers ago.  As I recall, it was the Aussie zoos who took the most offense.  That was before I got my first GSD, and I completely cut myself off from online zoo when other zoos (local to me) from that specific medium wanted me to pimp out my puppy to them when he was 6 months old.  I'm really only here, now, to see if I can locate Animale (and possibly DonkeyOT).  Been looking for Animale for years, and while I know he might be dead, there's always the chance that he's not yet.  This is the internet.  Anyone can be whoever or whatever they want to be.


"This is the internet. Anyone can be whoever or whatever they want to be." 

Sorry to hop into your conversation, but this quote might be THE most blatant falsehood ever. If you create an alternative internet persona with, let´s say, "a massive 15 inch cock", your cock won´t grow and shutting off the computer will still leave you sitting there with a ridiculously tiny pecker. On the internet, you can PRETEND to be whatever you want, but that won´t affect reality in the slightest. Virtual space is NOT equal to physical reality and fantasies won´t become more true just because someone mistakes his virtual persona for his real one. I´d even say that exactly this idea of "creating your persona" in the internet is one important factor why the world today is as it is, with lies replacing truths, with "alternative facts" and the complete loss of a "coordinate system". This proverbial "reinvent yourself on the internet" to me is one of the biggest lies the 21st century has offered so far. I´m not generalising here though...the internet is perfect to communicate with others, but the internet is total shit when it comes to present reliable insight into another one´s real self...you never know whether the guy on the other end of the line is completely bullshitting you (and himself, too...in quite many cases IMHO) or actually "real" in a sense that his online persona rather reflects his real self . The net actually is a really unhealthy possibility for many to amplify their fantasies uncontradicted and unchallenged by reality in echo chambers and filter bubbles. You can NOT be whatever you want to be, but you surely find lots of supportive elements in the net regarding the lies some tell themselves about themselves.  

Sorry for the off topic, but I felt the need to react to that. Fantasies won´t become real just because the fantasizer builds up a dilligent , but still totally wrong alternate persona on the net. Biggest falsehood that shockingly seldom gets challenged by the generation "@"... 


It was actually Trangol.


You tried.  It's ok, I needed someone to knock me off my ridicules obsession back then. 


Though, just so you know:  I'm still insane, and you're still chill with me.


I saw A donkeyOT a few years back on zoobb, but no idea if he was the same one or not.


hello and welcome...ever get to illinois...


On 1/10/2018 at 4:01 PM, 30-30 said:

"This is the internet. Anyone can be whoever or whatever they want to be." 

Sorry to hop into your conversation, but this quote might be THE most blatant falsehood ever. If you create an alternative internet persona with, let´s say, "a massive 15 inch cock", your cock won´t grow and shutting off the computer will still leave you sitting there with a ridiculously tiny pecker. On the internet, you can PRETEND to be whatever you want, but that won´t affect reality in the slightest. Virtual space is NOT equal to physical reality and fantasies won´t become more true just because someone mistakes his virtual persona for his real one. I´d even say that exactly this idea of "creating your persona" in the internet is one important factor why the world today is as it is, with lies replacing truths, with "alternative facts" and the complete loss of a "coordinate system". This proverbial "reinvent yourself on the internet" to me is one of the biggest lies the 21st century has offered so far. I´m not generalising here though...the internet is perfect to communicate with others, but the internet is total shit when it comes to present reliable insight into another one´s real self...you never know whether the guy on the other end of the line is completely bullshitting you (and himself, too...in quite many cases IMHO) or actually "real" in a sense that his online persona rather reflects his real self . The net actually is a really unhealthy possibility for many to amplify their fantasies uncontradicted and unchallenged by reality in echo chambers and filter bubbles. You can NOT be whatever you want to be, but you surely find lots of supportive elements in the net regarding the lies some tell themselves about themselves.  

Sorry for the off topic, but I felt the need to react to that. Fantasies won´t become real just because the fantasizer builds up a dilligent , but still totally wrong alternate persona on the net. Biggest falsehood that shockingly seldom gets challenged by the generation "@"... 

Tell that to the furry community, many of whom seem to pride themselves on having a tail, wolfy ears, four human penises and five human breasts.  At least that's how it was 15+ years ago and I'll bet nothing's changed.  I have nothing against furries.  I have nothing against transvestites either.  I have nothing against guys imping girls imping guys imping stallions imping foxes.


Hello Zeaux. Welcome to my little corner of the 'net...



15 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Hello Zeaux. Welcome to my little corner of the 'net...


Hello sw, lftns.  Last time was 2000-2001 zoophile.org.  Remember me??  I was Dogboy then, and I changed to Zeaux when I found the talkers in 2001.


On 1/27/2018 at 11:34 AM, Zeaux said:

Hello sw, lftns.  Last time was 2000-2001 zoophile.org.  Remember me??  I was Dogboy then, and I changed to Zeaux when I found the talkers in 2001.

I do indeed. It has been a long time.



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