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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

8 hours ago, caikgoch said:

You and Vonnegut

What in the world does he have to do with any of this?  And yes I'm familiar with him and his history, even if I have not read Slaughterhouse Five.


Is it some kind of bizzare reference to how he hid in a meat locker, and thus can't possibly know the horrors of war?

You are being vague and confusing.


3 hours ago, 9tales said:

It's nothing personal, it's just the fact that you're a human. We zoo exclusives don't need physical attention from yucky humans.

Just once again proves my point that we exclusives live in an entirely different reality of life and have basically nothing in common with "inclusives" besides having sex with animals. Quod erat demonstrandum.


4 hours ago, covfefelake said:

What in the world does he have to do with any of this?  And yes I'm familiar with him and his history, even if I have not read Slaughterhouse Five.


Is it some kind of bizzare reference to how he hid in a meat locker, and thus can't possibly know the horrors of war?

You are being vague and confusing.



2 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Just once again proves my point that we exclusives live in an entirely different reality of life and have basically nothing in common with "inclusives" besides having sex with animals. Quod erat demonstrandum.

Are there any horses that you do not fuck and do you shun them?       "Exclusive" means that I don't have sex with humans, not that I don't have any relationship at all with them.       Hugs are social moves kinda like grooming among horses.      BTW, I groom far more horses than I fuck.


2 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Just once again proves my point that we exclusives live in an entirely different reality of life and have basically nothing in common with "inclusives" besides having sex with animals. Quod erat demonstrandum.

Yeah well, I don't know what to tell you - My human buys me a trashy magazine to read when I'm feeling like shit or uninspired, and makes me a coffee when I'm awake at 3 in the morning animating. I love my pup to bits, but I think you'd do well to search outside the confines of your "reality" - you might find you actually enjoy non sexual companionship and even enjoy it. I have to confess that I find it a little disturbing that you appear to have a chip that borders on misanthropy when it comes to your fellow human being.

I'm honestly not sure what your QED prompt is towards. Well done for knowing some Latin?


33 minutes ago, caikgoch said:

Are there any horses that you do not fuck and do you shun them?       "Exclusive" means that I don't have sex with humans, not that I don't have any relationship at all with them.       Hugs are social moves kinda like grooming among horses.      BTW, I groom far more horses than I fuck.

I find it a funny statement to make honestly; every species on earth has some sort of social dynamic in their every day interaction with members of their species, it's just a matter of looking for it.

Maybe I'm just naive. Between love and suspicion, I choose love and warmth every time.


1 hour ago, Danelove said:

My human buys me a trashy magazine to read when I'm feeling like shit or uninspired, and makes me a coffee when I'm awake at 3 in the morning animating.

Definitely signs of true love.

1 hour ago, Danelove said:

I have to confess that I find it a little disturbing that you appear to have a chip that borders on misanthropy when it comes to your fellow human being.

We're both misanthropes, but I don't see how that is disturbing. There's nothing wrong with having a realistic view of humanity.

1 hour ago, Danelove said:

I find it a funny statement to make honestly; every species on earth has some sort of social dynamic in their every day interaction with members of their species, it's just a matter of looking for it.

Even as a zoo exclusive and misanthrope who has a germaphobia of humans, I agree that we sometimes require human interaction, but I don't go actively looking for it because I don't enjoy it. It's like eating healthy foods you don't like: You don't need them to survive and you don't like doing it at all, but doing it results in improved health.


Don't expect every human to be the same. There's (usually) good and logical reasons why we avoid human interaction. As a zoo, you should probably understand because of how we're treated by other humans. Your attraction to humans might be blinding you.


Although I´m a bit pissed off that WarCanine apparently has made another account in here and now runs under the alias of 9tales, I do have to admit that he has made a reply that I do agree with. Except one point, I´m not a misanthrope...but I select who I´m intimate with. Be it emotional or sexual intimacy, NO HUMANS!  And especially not humans that have self identified in another thread in here as "sluts" doing both humans and dogs.   


8 hours ago, caikgoch said:

Are there any horses that you do not fuck and do you shun them?       "Exclusive" means that I don't have sex with humans, not that I don't have any relationship at all with them.       Hugs are social moves kinda like grooming among horses.      BTW, I groom far more horses than I fuck.

Just by reading your reply, my IQ dropped some 20 points...you don´t get it , Caikgoch, huh? 


18 hours ago, Danelove said:

But...People like my hugs. People come to me for hugs when they've had a bad day because my hugs are awesome.

Agreed, hugs are awesome!

Truth be told even though I'm an exclusive I do enjoy human contact (though, not the intimate kind, obviously)

For me, human contact is to broaden horizons, possibly gain new experience and definitely a way to gain new intelligence / knowledge!

Just because I'm not romantically attracted to, or sexually attracted to Humans doesn't mean I need to cut off / kill any human contact.

Oh and @Danelove, I'm sorry I missed an earlier point you made...

On 10/16/2018 at 6:03 AM, Danelove said:

So by your definition, I would be a zoophile because I like to snuggle, and my other half is simply turned on by the act of my giving pleasure to my Great Dane.

You could very well say that yes. To what extent you 'are a Zoo' or 'want to be a Zoo' I really can't answer. But if you love and care for your Dane on roughly the same level as a person, I'd say yes: you are. Remember that Zoophilia is merely the attraction: not the action.

(and no, I'm not just 'saying that to make it sound better / less gross'.. Well, to some I probably am. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> )


3 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Although I´m a bit pissed off that WarCanine apparently has made another account in here and now runs under the alias of 9tales, I do have to admit that he has made a reply that I do agree with. Except one point, I´m not a misanthrope...but I select who I´m intimate with. Be it emotional or sexual intimacy, NO HUMANS!  And especially not humans that have self identified in another thread in here as "sluts" doing both humans and dogs.   

For someone that has made a point of alienating and attacking pretty much everyone on this site on a platform of superiority, your reading comprehension appears to be diminished:

"Which is where I'm at now; Nelson appears to love the extra attention, and both my boys seem to love being the ones in charge, and I'm...Trying to redefine my parameters. Instinct, society teaches me that I'm kind of a slut for enjoying a deeper dynamic with my mate and my boyfriend, and I'm on that cusp of not entirely caring."

Stating that society regards me to be something is not the same as me calling myself a slut. Thank you though, for allowing me the opportunity to correct you. However, to further correct you as I'm fairly certain you don't actually know what a misanthrope is, a misanthrope is someone who dislikes and actively shuns human society - You have demonstrated on more than one occasion that you simply don't like humans; you are the definition of a misanthrope.

I'm forced to wonder what your agenda is. To make people feel miserable and bad about themselves? To belittle and lash out in an attempt to troll? Not going to happen; I believe that no one is unworthy of love and warmth; even yourself, and so I choose to hope that given time, you will soften and adjust your attitude towards myself and your fellow members - or simply ignore me. I'm fine with either one; I had hoped that joining a community would allow me to work through my issues, understand more about my natures, desires and wants and grow from the experience. Again, you appear to be determined to be a gatekeeper and an elitist for the sake of being an elitist. I find it pitable, as I think that I could probably have an interesting conversation with you if the chance arose.

52 minutes ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Agreed, hugs are awesome!

Truth be told even though I'm an exclusive I do enjoy human contact (though, not the intimate kind, obviously)

For me, human contact is to broaden horizons, possibly gain new experience and definitely a way to gain new intelligence / knowledge!

I think there are degrees of intimacy. I obviously enjoy physical intimacy with my boyfriend, but sometimes I enjoy having my hair brushed by my mother, or simply chill out with friends and watch a movie.


52 minutes ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Just because I'm not romantically attracted to, or sexually attracted to Humans doesn't mean I need to cut off / kill any human contact.

Oh and @Danelove, I'm sorry I missed an earlier point you made...

You could very well say that yes. To what extent you 'are a Zoo' or 'want to be a Zoo' I really can't answer. But if you love and care for your Dane on roughly the same level as a person, I'd say yes: you are. Remember that Zoophilia is merely the attraction: not the action.

(and no, I'm not just 'saying that to make it sound better / less gross'.. Well, to some I probably am. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> )

I guess right now I'm rationalising my attraction somewhat as being very little in difference to being bisexual or a lesbian; there is a latent desire that I didn't know I had until recently, and I'm trying to figure out what that means, to decide whether I am in fact emotionally or physically harming Nelson, the long term repercussions of my relationship with my boyfriend and the consequence and outcome of pursuing such a lifestyle.

I don't...Think I could exclusively be with my pupper, but I have to confess that since my boyfriend kind of...Walked me towards experimenting, a lot has made sense in my life and I don't think I could go without the intimacy from my pupper either.


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