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Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters

I've heard a lot of horror stories about what happens when people come out as zoo; I'm just one of the lucky ones. I don't recommend it to everyone; mine is a special case.
It good your parents excepted you for you.. I would never tell my family as they are all really judgemental as it is.. I brong up zoophilia once and it's pretty clear how they feel about it.. I used the classic a friend of mine does it story.. And they were disgusted by it, and said that they didn't care who this friend was that they didn't want them to come over.. So I dropped it..
Only one person knows about my lifestyle and he accepts it, we've also been friends since preschool, he's not zoo but has witnessed first hand accounts of the fact that animals can be into sex.. One day I let a previous dog of mine mount me in front of him as he asked me to show him out of curiosity.. He then said I believe everything your saying about zoos, and he's never said a word to anyone.. We still remain best friends..


There may be other people that are suspicious I'm zoo, but they can't prove it [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]
That didn't stop them from disassociating themselves from me though.. Its all good its their loss as I am a loyal friend if you gain my trust.. but if you break it I do believe In an eye for an eye, I return what is given..


Quote:I do believe In an eye for an eye, I return what is given..
Id just like to add I usually don't stoop to a low level unless absolutely necessary, I don't like negativite confrontation.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]


I've been thinking more about this, and probably my second most was a close call with Tippy involving my mother. I actually wrote a story about it:
 <a class="ipsAttachLink" href="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1271">Interrupted.doc</a>
Basically, Tippy and I were ALMOST caught "in flagrant Delicato" when Ma came to visit and I'd neglected to lock the front door!


I like the term of  trouting. I have quit a few of those stories but I have to say my most embarising story would be...
ok so I'm 11 out in the barn just got done milking and after dropping the milk buckits in the house so grandma could strain the milk into jars I was back in the barn to muck it out. 
Well I was horny as hell so ran one of the heifers back into the barn gave her some hay in the stantion and grabbed a milk stool and got down to what horny teenage farm boys do. 
So frount of my shirt tucked back over my head coveralls around ankles just going to town. Well milk stool lost a leg with a crack that caused cow to kick back making me fall. Hit the ground hard enough to nock the wind out of me and can't move trying to get my lounges to work. 
Im staring up at the roof trying to breath and cow tail goes up. I'm silently screaming and cursing trying to move but still can't move when yep cow doese what cows do best. Runny shit and piss hit and I'm just want to vomit. Finally get my lounge to work and able to move. Slap cow ass to get her out of the barn. Kick off the coveralls into a corner. Sneaking in boots and underwear covered in cow shit to the first faucet I can get to without being seen. Well that didn't work as about the time I set foot out of the barn ready to make a run for it dad rounded the corner. Looked at me. Looked at the helfer looked back at me and laughed his ass off. 


Hahahahaha! How'd you explain that one? Sorry to laugh, but it's funny.


I didn't. He got me to a hose and hosed me off. Still laughing. Mind you at this point he knew what I had been doing for a few months.


Quote:I didn't. He got me to a hose and hosed me off. Still laughing. Mind you at this point he knew what I had been doing for a few months.
Well, at least he wasn't infuriated, I suppose there's something to be said for that. When he'd finished laughing, did he give you any fatherly advice (e.g., "next time use a metal bucket so it doesn't collapse on you" : ), or did he just let you keep figuring things on your own?


For the most part he let me learn the hard way. As to that in incadent he teased me about it for months. But I walked in on him with same cow a few days latter and that's when I found out about his step block


that is so funny...thanks for sharing that...


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