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Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters

Thats a good one there 


Quote:I walked in on him with same cow a few days latter
​*grin* Like father, like son, eh? : )


Yep  I was lucky to share that with dad


As for close calls, one time as a teen on the farm I had one of those rare days when everyone else was gone doing something, so was spending some time with my favorite sow. We were well engaged when the shed door popped open and the farmer appeared in the doorway and I knew I was busted! I hopped off real quick and jumped over the fencing, only to startle him; he'd come in from the bright sunshine into the relative darkness of the shed and his eyes hadn't adjusted to spot me!
I started keeping one eye on the driveway after that day.


It was the mid-eighties.
With everyone else away on their own schedules, I had a bit over an hour to myself.
So I entered the enclosure of a big Bird, a REALLY big Bird! He and I had been "intimate" for several years. After a couple of minutes or so of greetings, scritches, and other "innocent" activities, we got down to some "not-so-innocent" activity!
Soon, he iwas squat on the ground, tail up, and I was crouched down on "all-threes", the other arm over his back, and my back to the door.
We were together like this, face to tail, for several minutes, when I heard hard-soled footsteps come up and stop behind me. The one person there that knew I was Zoo was on a cruise ship in Alaska at that time.
I knew I was busted.
Of all the ways I could have responded. I just stayed as I was and kept on going.
I am guessing that the person was standing there for about eight seconds.Then they just walked away. Nothing was ever spoken, only the sound of footsteps.
I then got up and peeked down the corridor. they had left.
And in the following days, nothing happened. No one ever gave the slightest hint that they had heard or seen anything.
Apparently, I was a "catch and release".
One lucky fish for sure!
Resident Hyaena ^..^


Hey, what happens on Sesame Street...stays on Sesame Street. ;-)


Once in the evening, I went out into the backyard of a friend to pet their dog.  At first the dog barked, but then calmed down once he knew it was me.  So he went back to laying down, belly up, panting from the heat.  I went down to scratch his belly and legs and he liked it, and then I wanted to feel his fur against his face so I bent down and pressed the side of my face into his fur, looking at that nice furred sheath.  You can guess where this was going, I pushed back the sheath a little and sucked on the soft tip for a few seconds and then turned to look around only to see someone, so I put a quick end to that and went inside.  If anyone asked, I would tell them the truth, I wanted to feel his fur and heat beat.  Only I wanted to feel it beat faster, and through his penis, not his belly.  Fortunately, it stopped there, instead of progressing to a stage where it would have been obvious to an onlooker what was going on.  I got comments the next day about me and the dog getting along well.  Whew!
Before anyone thinks I am condoning this behavior, I'm not. Don't mess with other peoples' animals.  Situations like this could have ended up a lot worse, and moreso if the owners were also having sex with the same animal.  Imagine getting caught screwing farmer Bob's sheep.  If he's been screwing her too, he would feel like he's been putting on your used condoms for who knows how long, and that could really piss someone off.


Before anyone thinks I am condoning this behavior, I'm not. Don't mess with other peoples' animals.  Situations like this could have ended up a lot worse, and moreso if the owners were also having sex with the same animal.  Imagine getting caught screwing farmer Bob's sheep.  If he's been screwing her too, he would feel like he's been putting on your used condoms for who knows how long, and that could really piss someone off.
Thanks for sharing this story zemlya..
I too recommend against sex with other peoples animals, even though I have in the past, which is slightly contradictory to that statement.. With that being said I wouldn't judge someone for doing it in the heat of the moment, I'm sure some of us have done it at least once; however I will give the same advice and agree it's just plain not smart and very risky, reason why it's been years since my last sexual encounter with someone else's animal, I've gathered a little more common sense over the years compared to when I was younger...


Just got home from doing laundry and i guess my new pup was playing rather rough on my bed and now i have a head sized hole in my wall. I got a pic of it cuse i find it funny 


Ow! I hope your pup's okay...and that he (or she) missed the studs. What do you think happened: was the dog bouncing on the bed like most kids do at that age, but then got the angle wrong and did a face plant into the plaster? :-)
P.S. I could see a cartoon version of this with a dog bouncing on a Murphy bed (you know, the kind that's hinged so it folds up into or against the wall) and accidentally triggering the spring mechanism. The owner lowers the bed to reveal a dog-shaped hole in the wall (complete with outstretched feet and tail). The dazed and confused dog slowly emerges from the opening, its head encircled by little tweeting birds. ;-) Frightening in real life, but in cartoon-land, just another one of those silly things dogs do to brighten our day...and drain our wallets. ;-)


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