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1 hour ago, EquusCanis said:

That's bullshit on it's own. Can't believe this got 3 hearts... I've never experimented with anything at all so you couldn't be more wrong.

I don't needed to experiment to know what I want and what I don't want. Hell, so can anyone else... But they want to rely on excuses and such.

Typical human beings... Believing what they want to believe and not believing what is actually true and logical. One reason why I despise humans so, so much.

''I had to experiment with humans to know if I'm attracted to them or not.'' is just straight up nonsense and everyone knows it.

You are who you are, that works for you.  You don't speak for all other people (that's why that got 3 "likes").


1 hour ago, EquusCanis said:

That's bullshit on it's own. Can't believe this got 3 hearts... I've never experimented with anything at all so you couldn't be more wrong.

I don't needed to experiment to know what I want and what I don't want. Hell, so can anyone else... But they want to rely on excuses and such.

Typical human beings... Believing what they want to believe and not believing what is actually true and logical. One reason why I despise humans so, so much.

''I had to experiment with humans to know if I'm attracted to them or not.'' is just straight up nonsense and everyone knows it.

There are two things that you should know.     First, I knew I was different before I knew anything at all about sex or even a word for it.     Second, when I did begin learning about sex, everyone everywhere told me that girls were the only possible solution.     So when what satisfied everyone else didn't satisfy me I was confused, just very confused.      It wasn't until years later that the internet was invented and I found words for people like me, Zoo Exclusive.     

That is the greatest blessing that the youngsters among us don't realize they have.     Try to imagine how your life would be if you had to grow up and make a place in the world absolutely alone, completely without role model or guidance.     Think of all the mistakes just waiting for you.


To judge without knowing the facts or having the evidence is inherently prejudicial.  Being convinced of something you have no evidence for is common, but also delusional.


On 3/31/2018 at 2:06 PM, Cat said:

Not much to say, hi hi :3

Just taking a look around here, yeah I am single and unexperienced; just bored in easter [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" />

Zoo since I was a kid and exclusive because why not?... it pisses me up in reality.

Just waiting and hoping to get more stability to hopefully get a dog, see if it works with them; can't say I just know it doesn't with humans and why did I even try? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/angry.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=">:(" width="20" /> yet fucking anatomy, arg I don't even like sex; I think, just wanna cuddle and kiss and run in tiny circles.

I've met other zoos irl but those are retarded, man they just needed to take a megaphone to say it; nevertheless I doubt to ever see those in action, they don't seem so serious about it, just noise; very young edgy teens and kids and shit who think fucking horses is cool, yea that's a thing; yet fucking bastards are so sharp I bet they guess it off me.

This sucks LOL, sucks to be zoo.

Hey BTW who is this famous 30-30 guy?... he seems, popular; got told he lurked around here lol, hear his name poping around all the time?...

I am however not much into the community, it just sucks to be zoo, don't wanna be reminded all the time; fuck I had to leave a perfectly functional 100% match human boyfriend because of this shit, argh... it pisses me up each time...

Sorry I am getting caught up in the EC nonsense.  I did want to take some time to genuinely bid you a welcome to the "community."  With capital quotation remarks.

There is quite the variety of zoophiles ... all shapes and sizes.  Some are rich, some are poor, I know zoophiles working in a huge variety of professions including tech, medicine, construction, truck driving, art and media (I know at least one zoophile whom is a professional radio host, another with experience in television and even some big release movies).

Try not to judge too harshly.  I have major depression and general anxiety ... if we ever meet (THIS IS NOT A MEETUP REQUEST!), I'm pretty sure my social awkwardness would exude profusely.  I won't tell you not to judge at all, though ... some calling themselves zoophiles are best not knowing, I'll spare you those horror stories for now, but feel free to ask me in a PM or another thread if you're morbidly curious (but be warned, some truly, deeply, brutally evil folk don the zeta symbol).

30-30 may well be famous though honestly I don't remember the name prior to here.  I self- ... or maybe more accurately, mutually exiled myself from the community in the early 2000s, kinda poking my head back in now.  Quite a few names I do remember are here.  I was probably mostly remembered for being the co-founder of zoophile.org which earned an ill reputation and I regret having associated with.

As with any community, there's a lot of drama.

I would like to proffer some advice.  I know, boring old guy give boring dos and don'ts ... I went through the same thing and learned the hard way on some things.

First, find a way to chill and take things slowly and carefully.  Bide your time.  I think you have a sense of the importance of this already, waiting to get a dog.  Listen to your paranoid fears, don't cave into them, but do carefully and quietly check things out.

Second, accept that you are a human being, as flawed and effed up as the rest of us.  Its very easy to take something the wrong way, misunderstand and get completely the wrong idea about someone or something that has no bearing on the reality.  Find a way to check yourself and your thinking.  And accept the reality that the special stresses of being a zoophile will invariably have ill effects.  Depression, anxiety, anger management, diabetes, blood pressure, drug abuse ... being a member of such a terribly ostracized group makes you very vulnerable to these things.  /Don't/ think you can avoid them by "being strong."  Find ways to stay healthy mentally and physically, find ways of letting off steam that don't risk serious ramifications from an overdose, and remember the better off you are, the stronger your life, the more comfortably and securely you will be able to provide future animal companions.  Falling into a gutter and becoming homeless, I could not care for a beautiful dog whom was my wife for several years ... find a way to steer yourself from having to face this situation I let myself fall into.  Trust me, you don't want to have a four-legged lover falling ill when you don't have the money to get them the care they need.  I can't emphasize enough how much that will destroy your sense of self-worth.  Find a counselor psychologist you can trust, even if you don't think you need one ... don't consider mental health help as something for other people that are weak.

Third, be careful about judgment.  As I said before, I'm not saying not to judge at all, but ... as I said in #2, we zoophiles have a constant, strong stress on us.  It does, yes, break many of us.  I know its easy to revulse away people with bad issues, and I'm not saying you have to fight your revulsion to the point of spending a lot of personal time with those with revolting mental health issues, but ... just at least try to accept in your mind that this is a difficult, stressful life.  If you can't bring yourself to befriend someone with a lot of issues, try to at least take something constructive out of this -- like inspiration to keep yourself mentally healthy to avoid degrading to that point.


52 minutes ago, Eagle said:

Sorry I am getting caught up in the EC nonsense.  I did want to take some time to genuinely bid you a welcome to the "community."  With capital quotation remarks.

There is quite the variety of zoophiles ... all shapes and sizes.  Some are rich, some are poor, I know zoophiles working in a huge variety of professions including tech, medicine, construction, truck driving, art and media (I know at least one zoophile whom is a professional radio host, another with experience in television and even some big release movies).

Try not to judge too harshly.  I have major depression and general anxiety ... if we ever meet (THIS IS NOT A MEETUP REQUEST!), I'm pretty sure my social awkwardness would exude profusely.  I won't tell you not to judge at all, though ... some calling themselves zoophiles are best not knowing, I'll spare you those horror stories for now, but feel free to ask me in a PM or another thread if you're morbidly curious (but be warned, some truly, deeply, brutally evil folk don the zeta symbol).

30-30 may well be famous though honestly I don't remember the name prior to here.  I self- ... or maybe more accurately, mutually exiled myself from the community in the early 2000s, kinda poking my head back in now.  Quite a few names I do remember are here.  I was probably mostly remembered for being the co-founder of zoophile.org which earned an ill reputation and I regret having associated with.

As with any community, there's a lot of drama.

I would like to proffer some advice.  I know, boring old guy give boring dos and don'ts ... I went through the same thing and learned the hard way on some things.

First, find a way to chill and take things slowly and carefully.  Bide your time.  I think you have a sense of the importance of this already, waiting to get a dog.  Listen to your paranoid fears, don't cave into them, but do carefully and quietly check things out.

Second, accept that you are a human being, as flawed and effed up as the rest of us.  Its very easy to take something the wrong way, misunderstand and get completely the wrong idea about someone or something that has no bearing on the reality.  Find a way to check yourself and your thinking.  And accept the reality that the special stresses of being a zoophile will invariably have ill effects.  Depression, anxiety, anger management, diabetes, blood pressure, drug abuse ... being a member of such a terribly ostracized group makes you very vulnerable to these things.  /Don't/ think you can avoid them by "being strong."  Find ways to stay healthy mentally and physically, find ways of letting off steam that don't risk serious ramifications from an overdose, and remember the better off you are, the stronger your life, the more comfortably and securely you will be able to provide future animal companions.  Falling into a gutter and becoming homeless, I could not care for a beautiful dog whom was my wife for several years ... find a way to steer yourself from having to face this situation I let myself fall into.  Trust me, you don't want to have a four-legged lover falling ill when you don't have the money to get them the care they need.  I can't emphasize enough how much that will destroy your sense of self-worth.  Find a counselor psychologist you can trust, even if you don't think you need one ... don't consider mental health help as something for other people that are weak.

Third, be careful about judgment.  As I said before, I'm not saying not to judge at all, but ... as I said in #2, we zoophiles have a constant, strong stress on us.  It does, yes, break many of us.  I know its easy to revulse away people with bad issues, and I'm not saying you have to fight your revulsion to the point of spending a lot of personal time with those with revolting mental health issues, but ... just at least try to accept in your mind that this is a difficult, stressful life.  If you can't bring yourself to befriend someone with a lot of issues, try to at least take something constructive out of this -- like inspiration to keep yourself mentally healthy to avoid degrading to that point.

I honestly have no idea how you'd go about meeting another zoophile, I have only done so in real life by random chance; much before I ever joined any zoo community, so I honestly grew up with some sense of normality about that, there was also my uncle, but he died beforehand; but meeting up with a person that knows you are a zoophile beforehand, that sounds quite harsh and I am specially paranoid, I know you are not requesting a meetup, but I can't understand how people would go about meeting irl like that.

If you ask me I actually do live a pretty happy successful life, at least so far, but being a zoophile is that stone in the shoe that doesn't allow me to have pretty much a perfect deal; and each time I have some sexual desire it becomes very bothering, given due to my "decent" physical appereance and attitude I could get laid any time; but it won't work unless there's fur in my face.


Just now, Cat said:

I honestly have no idea how you'd go about meeting another zoophile, I have only done so in real life by random chance; much before I ever joined any zoo community, so I honestly grew up with some sense of normality about that, there was also my uncle, but he died beforehand; but meeting up with a person that knows you are a zoophile beforehand, that sounds quite harsh and I am specially paranoid, I know you are not requesting a meetup, but I can't understand how people would go about meeting irl like that.

If you ask me I actually do live a pretty happy successful life, at least so far, but being a zoophile is that stone in the shoe that doesn't allow me to have pretty much a perfect deal; and each time I have some sexual desire it becomes very bothering, given due to my "decent" physical appereance and attitude I could get laid any time; but it won't work unless there's fur in my face.

Meeting up with zoos is really dangerous, you could be walking right into a sting.. IMO I would strongly advise against meeting anyone online, unless you are absolutely sure they are not a undercover.. A lot of zoos have been caught that way..

Btw I know what you mean, I'm a decent looking guy, and could have got a girlfriend along time ago; its just not me... It won't happen unless she has fur, 4 paws, and a tail


5 minutes ago, Cynolove693 said:

Meeting up with zoos is really dangerous, you could be walking right into a sting.. IMO I would strongly advise against meeting anyone online, unless you are absolutely sure they are not a undercover.. A lot of zoos have been caught that way..

Btw I know what you mean, I'm a decent looking guy, and could have got a girlfriend along time ago; its just not me... It won't happen unless she has fur, 4 paws, and a tail

And that is hard to know... and it's virtually impossible to know if  someone goes undercover. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" /> it's kind of incredible you have to always watch your back.

And yea I get it, fur is great; [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> haha it's kinda interesting, it's like warped vision, damn humans are so ugly, but oh god, these furry creatures one, well!... hot... and it's pretty much impossible to understand what do people see in others.

I am honestly more of a felidophile but since I managed to get to like 1 and only 1 species of big cat (the smallest one actually); it is very hard, and dogs honestly are about half as attractive to me compared and we are talking about very wild looking ones, wolf-like dogs, there's something with me and wheter it looks wild and natural that gets me, and funnily these wolf like mixed races seem even more attractive; however I'd like to check how that goes, but that's not something you can just do, you cannot go and hang out with a dog for a week, then try sex to see how that goes and see if you like it. There's also my interest in big, I want my partner to be about my same size or bigger, makes me feel protected, and plays a sexual role and it's quite annoying with dogs because they have fairly sized dicks, unlike cats, and I don't like big dicks. However I have to say that the sexiest of the animals (even more than my favourite big cat) is the horse, because of hmmm... I can only say they emit this masculinity energy haha.... nevertheless I have no interest in pursuing a relationship with one, their dicks are simply too big and their attitude does not fit my lifestyle.

However dogs, and specially those very active wild looking ones, really do fit my lifestyle a lot, given that I am myself pretty active; but then, would there be chemistry?... I don't know that, but unlike humans, that's not something I can experiment; if it simply wouldn't work with dogs I guess I'll simply remain single for the rest of my life.


Well, lets clarify what I meant earlier. A short while after meeting Tippy, I committed myself exclusively to her. After her I committed myself exclusively to Shadow. Whether I remain exclusively zoosexual now is an unknown, as all our futures are. I had sexual and romantic relationships prior to Tippy with both dogs and humans (though no commitment to them), so I don't fit with your definition of "Zoo Exclusive" ( a faulty definition IMO anyway) but who cares? I don't. In your opinion this might make me less "zoo" than you, but I don't give a shit there either. I don't have to call myself anything to attempt to legitimize what I had with my only true soulmates and lovers, so I'll refrain from using your term, as if you actually own it.



I really think we should get back to welcoming Cat anyway. The rest of this really doesn't matter...



44 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

Well, Eagle, then let me set you on fire. What? YOu say you may not like being set on fire? How do you know you don´t like it if you´re never being burned to charcoal? *SIgh*

Actually you do not know if you like it or not, you learn that fire is not something you like and that it hurts when you put your fingers in the fire as a kid; you experimented as a kid in order to learn that.


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