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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia

I'm with Rannoch on this. Any attempt to justify bestiality/zoophilia on the grounds of religious freedom or (un)constitutionality will get you laughed out of court. No one -- and I mean *no one* -- will take such a claim seriously, no matter how well-founded it might be. What we zoos fail to recognize is the sheer intensity of disgust most people feel about the act/lifestyle. These emotions are deeply, almost pathologically entrenched in society, far beyond the reach of the finest arguments we can muster. People simply do not want to hear it. Period. At least with homosexuality, you're still doing it with a person, so *eventually* society can wrap its head around it and say, "okay, yeah, I suppose I can learn to tolerate it." But with an animal? I'm sorry, but society will never accept it, regardless of our logic. Bottom line? Don't get caught.


Let me add my voice here, the law is not allowed to infringe on one's rights, but it does not give you immunity to commit crimes and it does not make anything you claim to be a religious rite a constituional right. Back when I was studying for the priesthood, I read more than just a little bit and one of the points was that if an action is illegal, you can't legally do it, period. There's no free pass here, this is why the drug cults all fail, why the snake handlers got put down, why human sacrifice isn't allowed, etc.
You'd ned some pretty deep pockets and a good legal team to even consider such an attack on established law and I do't think you'd have much chance of success.


Bah, I wanted to edit my above to add this, but it timed out on me.
On the topic of one's experiences being evidence of factual events, do keep in mind that our brains trick us frequently. I've had many deep, meaningful, spiritual experiences that felt entirely real to me at the time, but logically I know they were not real physical events. That doesn't make them any less important to the individual experiencing them and it doesn't make them meaningless, quite the contrary, it says a lot about the state of mind of the person experiencing such events.
Doubt your mind tricks you? Explain optical illusions, take a look at common logical fallacies, listen to some good stereo, quadraphonic, or surround sound. It's easy to confuse the brain, especially when the events going on have to be filtered through our state of mind at the time.
I am not an especially religious person these days, I still have moments of spirituality, times when I can be overtaken by the grandeur of the Universe around us, but these days I'm far more inclined to turn to science for testable, verifiable, questions about this universe. Those questions for which I can't test or verify with science, I tend to use philosophy (including many religious philosophies) to explore and evaluate until I get to a testable question. I've not persoanlly found any singular philosophy which adequately explains all the things I have contemplated.


The religious protection only protects you for some things not all. One of the founders or early courts stated "when one person rights start to infringing on the rights of others they rights end."
They have been very few cases were people caught having sex with animal have won. Most of the time those caught plead out and that's how the courts want it.


Quote:The religious protection only protects you for some things not all. One of the founders or early courts stated "when one person rights start to infringing on the rights of others they rights end."
They have been very few cases were people caught having sex with animal have won. Most of the time those caught plead out and that's how the courts want it.
Right, anyway reason for the government to stick their nose where it doesn't belong.. And then they give you a false sensed entitlement of being free.. Hmm.. these instances where zoophiles are getting thier lives ruined for decades, because of an unjustified law, its just plain discrimination is what it is.. but do these money hungry figure heads care?? I think not..


Quote:Bah, I wanted to edit my above to add this, but it timed out on me.
On the topic of one's experiences being evidence of factual events, do keep in mind that our brains trick us frequently. I've had many deep, meaningful, spiritual experiences that felt entirely real to me at the time, but logically I know they were not real physical events. That doesn't make them any less important to the individual experiencing them and it doesn't make them meaningless, quite the contrary, it says a lot about the state of mind of the person experiencing such events.
Doubt your mind tricks you? Explain optical illusions, take a look at common logical fallacies, listen to some good stereo, quadraphonic, or surround sound. It's easy to confuse the brain, especially when the events going on have to be filtered through our state of mind at the time.
I am not an especially religious person these days, I still have moments of spirituality, times when I can be overtaken by the grandeur of the Universe around us, but these days I'm far more inclined to turn to science for testable, verifiable, questions about this universe. Those questions for which I can't test or verify with science, I tend to use philosophy (including many religious philosophies) to explore and evaluate until I get to a testable question. I've not persoanlly found any singular philosophy which adequately explains all the things I have contemplated.
Alright then, the fact that I have clairvoyant dreams is an optical illusion.. I've literally seen stuff in dreams before its happened in real life, is my mind playing tricks on me when that happens??
For example, I had a dream that I was gonna get a dog, saw him in great detail in this dream, he has unique markings that pop out, and I saw every last one.. then a week later I find the Same dog in an add.. Hmm really ironic if that's just my mind tricking me..
Not to mention the times that I've literally known what people are gonna say before they say it, or the fact that I can change reality with my own will.. instances along those lines..
Its alright though you have your beliefs.. Just don't claim my mind is tricking me when you clearly are not in my shoes..


Quote:Bottom line? Don't get caught.
Right I see your logic there, it was just a thought, but I definitely agree, stay safe everybody..


Its alright though you have your beliefs.. Just don't claim my mind is tricking me when you clearly are not in my shoes..
Lets just put it this way, about 3 years ago some people found out I was zoo, not gonna go into detail, but they were gonna report it; made it clearly known that was the gameplan.. If it wasn't for a binding spell to keep them quite, and various protection spells I'd probably be locked up right now..


Needless to say I did get my karma for taking away someone's free will.. I lost everything that mattered to me.. Lesson learned


Quote:Alright then, the fact that I have clairvoyant dreams is an optical illusion.. I've literally seen stuff in dreams before its happened in real life, is my mind playing tricks on me when that happens??
For example, I had a dream that I was gonna get a dog, saw him in great detail in this dream, he has unique markings that pop out, and I saw every last one.. then a week later I find the Same dog in an add.. Hmm really ironic if that's just my mind tricking me..
Not to mention the times that I've literally known what people are gonna say before they say it, or the fact that I can change reality with my own will.. instances along those lines..
Its alright though you have your beliefs.. Just don't claim my mind is tricking me when you clearly are not in my shoes..

I'm trying to not piss in your wheaties here. I have dealt with deja-vu for many years, it's pretty convincing when you're experiencing it, at least it is for me. I don't know exactly what you're experiencing, but I'm willing to bet it's the same thing most of the rest of us experience from time to time. I was a believer in what I perceived in these bouts of deja-vu and some dreams I have for a very long time and when I experience it even now the feeling is compelling, but I've tested my experiences. When I have feelings of deja-vu, I like to grab a paper and pen as quickly as I can and record exactly what's *going to happen before it does*. I've found that while the feeling is genuine, the premonitions are not and I have yet to have a reliable premonition, even if it feels convincing. I don't know what's going on in your mind, but I'd bet dollars to donuts it's effectively the same thing. Maybe you are experiencing what you claim, the only way to know for sure is to test it.
Quote:For example, I had a dream that I was gonna get a dog, saw him in great detail in this dream, he has unique markings that pop out, and I saw every last one.. then a week later I find the Same dog in an add.. Hmm really ironic if that's just my mind tricking me..
It is also possible that your mind filled in those details after the fact. Again, I'm not inside your head, I don't claim to know what is absolutely going on in there, all I am saying is that without verifiable evidence it's not especially trustworthy.
Again, I'm not trying to be a jerk and I'm not saying it's all in your head, what I am saying is keep in mind that it might be. It's only by making predictions and testing them that we can know for sure.
See, I've had these for years and many of them have been absolutely convincing. I recall dreaming of an event that occured in Tucson some 2 years after the dream. As of late, I have a special perspective on deja-vu as gabapentin, which I sometimes take, causes it to manifest quite frequently. I have noted that if I do not write down details during the event, it seems 100% real and reliable after the fact, but when I do write them down that reliability goes straight to zero as the "envisioned details" do not match what actually happens.
I'm open to possibilities that I am wrong and there are many things I would find convincing enough to change my mind, what would change yours? I'm not out to change your mind, just to get you to consider that there are other possibilities that may explain the events better. The only way to know for certain is to test it.
Quote:...the fact that I can change reality with my own will..
Care to elaborate on this? If you are interested, I can help you test this.


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