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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

To be fair, the fake death has been used by many both in and out of the community over the years and in this community in particular it is very easy to do so has been done most often. Hard to disprove too to all users satisfaction. It's ALMOST as old as the "The community made me a shithead" line, which usually proceeds it by the way. The two combined can be found in the online histories of about half of zoophiles since the 90s in my own experience. In reality then it's probably higher. Lets not pull higher moral ground than we deserve. Even I have one more online knickname over the years (Phantomzoo62). Rannoch had two here, but was clear in them both being him, but had several in his history. Others have had many, for very many reasons...

We are what we are folks...



I see.  That's disheartening.  You mean actually faking a death event and not just a name switch?  Oh...  my.

Let me just say I can't think of something much lower than trolling a dead members friends, but faking ones death to win a debate with someone you dislike would certainly qualify.

That is sad you even have to consider such possibilities.  My sympathies.


8 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

To be fair, the fake death has been used by many both in and out of the community over the years and in this community in particular it is very easy to do so has been done most often. Hard to disprove too to all users satisfaction. It's ALMOST as old as the "The community made me a shithead" line, which usually proceeds it by the way. The two combined can be found in the online histories of about half of zoophiles since the 90s in my own experience. In reality then it's probably higher. Lets not pull higher moral ground than we deserve. Even I have one more online knickname over the years (Phantomzoo62). Rannoch had two here, but was clear in them both being him, but had several in his history. Others have had many, for very many reasons...

We are what we are folks...


Thanks for putting this dispute back onto solid grounds, Silverwolf. And to dismantle the underlying criticism, I´m not pulling the "the community turned me into a shithead" line as my defense, I´m well aware that it wasn´t the community, but my very own disappointment with this said community that made me hard and nasty. "Zuerst kommt das Fressen, dann die Moral", first the feast, then the morals....proven daily in the "zoo" community. I´ve seen plenty of good people quitting because of the community, but no one speaks about that. But anyway, "...was soll ich denn machen? Lasst mich den scheiss einfach hassen!" (...but what I´m supposed to do? Just let me hate that shit!)....nothing grows, nothing changes, nothing has meaning anyway. We talk to each other in forums like this, we fool ourselves to believe we "teach" society about zoophilia, but mainly we´re "teaching" ourselves, we lead an internal monologue, to justify, to betray ourselves, to make ourselves believe in our relevance. Yet, no one out there gives a flying fuck about us. It´s like a bad stage play, with bad actors and an audience constantly booing. That´s a fact. All we do, all we write is totally in vain and useless.Being a "bubble dweller" might seem like a good idea, to gather, maintain and reinforce "the zoophile self esteem", but in the end, it´s just catering to the egos of the community. Dogma has corroded everything. Nothing gets done, nothing matters, nothing changes anything. No progress, just regress.  


19 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

Thanks for putting this dispute back onto solid grounds, Silverwolf. And to dismantle the underlying criticism, I´m not pulling the "the community turned me into a shithead" line as my defense, I´m well aware that it wasn´t the community, but my very own disappointment with this said community that made me hard and nasty. "Zuerst kommt das Fressen, dann die Moral", first the feast, then the morals....proven daily in the "zoo" community. I´ve seen plenty of good people quitting because of the community, but no one speaks about that. But anyway, "...was soll ich denn machen? Lasst mich den scheiss einfach hassen!" (...but what I´m supposed to do? Just let me hate that shit!)....nothing grows, nothing changes, nothing has meaning anyway. We talk to each other in forums like this, we fool ourselves to believe we "teach" society about zoophilia, but mainly we´re "teaching" ourselves, we lead an internal monologue, to justify, to betray ourselves, to make ourselves believe in our relevance. Yet, no one out there gives a flying fuck about us. It´s like a bad stage play, with bad actors and an audience constantly booing. That´s a fact. All we do, all we write is totally in vain and useless.Being a "bubble dweller" might seem like a good idea, to gather, maintain and reinforce "the zoophile self esteem", but in the end, it´s just catering to the egos of the community. Dogma has corroded everything. Nothing gets done, nothing matters, nothing changes anything. No progress, just regress.  

So why are you here?????      Troll is about all that you have left yourself.


I don't know.  I learned some things from my limited time here.  But I'm unusual, admitedly.

I agree society is not at a place right now where they want to even consider you least of all grant you any tolerance.  But if you ask me that's equally on society as it is you.

And yes there is an echo-chamber effect here.  All closed-communities/"members only" clubs get like that.  I find devils advocate and logical deconstruction of arguments useful to fight this if you care to.

Quote:Being a "bubble dweller" might seem like a good idea, to gather, maintain and reinforce "the zoophile self esteem", but in the end, it´s just catering to the egos of the community.

Sounds like the recent "safe spaces" debate frankly.

I find them a useful tool for suicide prevention and general esteem management, but frankly, your community is a horrible safe space...  not here neccesarily, just things I saw from the "zoo community" in Rannochs old mail.


You´re thinking too simplicistic here, covfefe. Society is not what this community says it is, it´s not completely and inherently hostile to zoophiles. At least that´s my experience...and that of some other zoos.  Logical deconstruction of echo chambers won´t work, never worked and will never work. You cannot fight emotionally felt "oppression" with reason, believe me, I tried it for ages. And failed. Especially when the "target audience" develops horrendous social dynamics in this bubble and aren´t willing or able to objectively see the light of reality, that they aren´t oppressed and much of the hassles they have to endure do stem from their unwillingness or incapability to find compromises with society. No, it´s always that "oppression" soundbit that "justifies"  ridiculous demands of "totally free zoophilia" and "if you´re not encouragingly padding my back while I fuck my animal, you´re an intolerant hater". 

We erect a parallel world, a parallel society with our forums, we blow up the bubble even more. "We are right! And you´re not!!". Yet we don´t have any more hard evidence for any of this than the fanatical antis. But we still think of ourselves as superior because we "tolerate". That´s our superiority beacon. "We are the tolerant ones and therefor, MUST be right!" A cheap place to retract if nothing of substance can be said. Just take the commonly accepted dogma of suppression, are we really suppressed? To my knowledge, all those who´ve had contact with the authorities have done something idiotic to gather authorities´ attention...and those who refrain from that will probably never ever have to deal with police and judges as animals "don´t snitch". Another thing: While in the beginning, zoophilia was about the animals first and foremost, nowadays it´s the "zoophile" what this is all about. Egotistical, self centered and unrepenting. If I have to endure this "oppression" for the wellbeing and safety of my mares, I WILL ABSOLUTELY DO SO and accept any hardships coming my way. That´s what real love should be about, right? Yet I cannot find that attitude all too often in our "community". Any compromises that would curb "freedom" are rejected, apologetic mumble about caught fencehoppers and other eejits prevails instead of calling out those among us who are actively worsening our public stance because "it´s all society´s fault anyway". Trench fight mentality. Clenched fists instead of offered hands. Self proclaimed "teachers" who cannot even teach themselves the right things. Playgrounds instead of battlefields, kids playing soldiers. Shying away from any responsibility instead of accepting it openly . We are our own worst enemies. 


Welcome to my cellar, 

In here, I´m gonna die.

Being a little bit like me

hasn´t harmed anyone, but be warned...


I gave ´em just the most blunt of me all these years / but level for level, it gets darker around here.

Message ran on repeat,yeah, on every release/ I´m better than them, everyone got it by now

But what next? I mean, who´s next? / You never wondered what my goddamn heart is beating for?

Why I´m this way now? And internally rest down here/Because Blaow was my flat, just the usual

and now they see my cellar, it´s bland and rotten/ I don´t have any idols, don´t look up to anyone

May the devil come get me, there´s no salvation in sight / Mankind is fucked, better to lean back quickly

and wait, there, I said it, if your plan doesn´t work out, you can relax and live out yourself with me down here, for sure


Here, darkness is spreading

And all your dreams are failing

Take a look around if you find the time

You´ll wannna back outta here quicker than you entered

Welcome to my cellar (5x)


Heck, you like my cellar? See how it changes you?/ Just being a little bit like me won´t suffice, put your remaining quantum of self aside


Now make yourself comfortable, in here it´s cold and empty / But up there, no warmth was offered also

You won´t miss anything there, just learn to hate it/ Since I am done with them, everything´s fantastic

And didn´t you want to be like me?Huh?/ Obviously , you´re not so sure anymore or why you´re doubting me?

Don´t wanna talk shit, but they´re the worst/ I swear, they´re not happy, they just don´t know better

I swear they only exist by simple values, not a single one that´s value/Post stupid shit on social media

and really believe they change anything / Like, anyone gives a shit about us

That´s the circle of life, yeah, wait I said it/ If you realize this, you don´t want to change anything anymore, I know that


Here, darkness is spreading

And all your dreams are failing

Take a look around if you find the time

and you want back out quicker than you entered

Welcome to my cellar, welcome to my cellar, welcome to my cellar....




If what you claimed is true a lot more than zoophiles would be feeling the pain of it.


Actaully taking a brief look at facebook you may be correct.

However, I will say at least stateside the attitude towards zoophiles is incredibly hostile.  Most would not give you the time I have.  Most would not even consider you a fellow human being.  Hell, I may not have had I not had a personal attatchment to one of your own.

There is of course also the case of legislation being blanket, which is a form of legal suppression, whether or not it affects you.  I don't claim to know the answer there but the world is certainly not on your side from my limited travels.

Quote:Egotistical, self centered and unrepenting. If I have to endure this "oppression" for the wellbeing and safety of my mares, I WILL ABSOLUTELY DO SO and accept any hardships coming my way.

See?  This I view as selfish in it's own respect.  You are accepting a harsh condition that causes damage to your fellow peers just so you can maintain some semblance of normalacy.

It's reminiscent of a human thing...  it has happened before is all I can really say.  You can certainly spin this one both ways.


Seems like "some of us" are way more into the Social Media aspects of Zoo, than the animals.  Whole pages of how horribly society treats us as we try to make social commentary, "educate" them, define us, disappointment that we are unappreciated by humanity, etc., etc., etc,.  And one sentence about animals.

Over 50 years of being zoo, the first 30 without any Social Media at all.  Complete secrecy, my business and no one else, happy about it.  If the dreadful "world's biggest bestiality board" showed me anything it was the wisdom of not going public.  

Social Media is an awful idea.  If it draws you like a moth to a flame, it destroys your life, but you just keep going back and learning nothing, THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM !    Quit trying to make the world aware of our high moral standards, their horrible oppression of our lifestyle, their whole awful misunderstanding of us, how much better things would be if we went more public and educated them all.  And how gawdawful life has become for "some of us" because of how abused "we" are for not learning to simply STFU.   Life is just not worth living if "we" can't make a huge spectacle to others of our wisdawsomverbositiviness?

> Rant <    >Snort<  

'nuff said.





What´s less selfish than going through hardship for someone, somebody, somehorse else? Can you present an example? 

And damn the internet for fooling easily foolables and gullibles into mistaking it for reality. Reality is different and no one cares about "zoophilia" unless you make ´em care about it by drawing attention. I´m not oppressed and I doubt anyone else in here is. Laws are laws, but as a longtime weed smoker, maybe I´m just used to give a fuck about laws anyway, especially when chances of getting caught are slim to none unless you do really stupid things. Learn to deal with it responsibly and no one will bat an eye.  Yet still this community is fixated on "teaching outsiders", but still hasn´t learned the relevant things themselves.

@Heavyhorse: Consider yourself frenetically applauded by me. 



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