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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

24 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

What´s less selfish than going through hardship for someone, somebody, somehorse else? Can you present an example? 

I would argue caring about more than your individual relationship is.

Then again, I approach this from a human-relationship background.  I can understand it's harder for zoos because of the risks to the animal.

I will say I'm still hesitant to blame those who try to better our world.  Trying is never am evil in my eyes.

Quote:And damn the internet for fooling easily foolables and gullibles into mistaking it for reality. Reality is different and no one cares about "zoophilia" unless you make ´em care about it by drawing attention.

I would love it to be that simple.  But the law does not differentiate and the reality is humans fucking up is not uncommon.  Not to be a broken record, but Rannoch's legacy should be a prime example of this.



And "my fellow peers"? Really? Just because someone fucks an animal, he´s not my peer. Especially when considering how many of those online "zoos" don´t even have any experience? Whining about perils that are none of their business anyway? Peers? Pinyan, Spink, Aluzky? "Kero the Wolf"? Or who you´re talking about? The about 15 other zoos I am in regular contact with all share my views and thus hold the same as me. 

And "trying to better the world is never evil" may apply to more normal issues, but is not applicable to zoophilia where it brought us nothing but more and more problems. Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot all thought they only "better the world".... Nobody cared about zoophiles before the internet. The good thing about the internet: everyone can post anything as he likes   The bad thing about the internet: Anyone can post anything as he likes ...the bad things about the internet broke our neck.


19 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

Just because someone fucks an animal, he´s not my peer.


Actually, he is in sexual attraction, strictly speaking.  Still my comment was in reference to your fellows of your species (of which you also like it or not are peers of), and helping others in your shoes perhaps.  Of course you can take it however you want.  But that was not the point.


Especially when considering how many of those online "zoos" don´t even have any experience?

Lol, just no...  What on earth does sexual experience with an animal grant you when dealing with what is at it's core, a very social issue?  If anything it will only put your animal at risk and open you to accusations of bias.


Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot all thought they only "better the world"....

This is a Moral Equivalence fallacy and I hope you know that.  I wouldn't even fault Hitler for trying to "improve the world" anyways.  I'd attack his crimes rather and his perverse view of it.


Nobody cared about zoophiles before the internet.

Historically speaking, punishments have lightened, not strengthened, so no, this is not a new wave of concern.  Looking at the law books and even the old religious texts of the world, people have always cared and historically, a lot more harshly.


To my knwoledge, only the act of having sex with an animal is punishable , not fantasising about it. No one without experience has anything to fear. And the social repercussions of letting everyone know you´re horny for animals? Well, just keep ya food trap shut and no one will ever shun you for this...but I guess that´s the basic misunderstanding here. Basically the continuation of Beastforum´s common "Pic or it didn´t happen" mentality to a much larger extent...you´re only a "real zoo" if you let everyone know, amirite? At least, that´s how our community appears to me sometimes.


10 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

Well, just keep ya food trap shut and no one will ever shun you for this...but I guess that´s the basic misunderstanding here.

Indeed.  It appears you have more faith in humans than even I.  And I am often called an optimist.

Have you looked at the news lately?  Humanity as a general rule, is both full of bad decisions, and furthermore, has the strange tendency to he unable to shut up about them.

Thus, these laws do apply to the everyday person as much as you.  Afterall, you are posting here aren't you?

10 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

To my knwoledge, only the act of having sex with an animal is punishable , not fantasising about it. No one without experience has anything to fear.

You got one of my points, good.

Quote:you´re only a "real zoo" if you let everyone know, amirite? At least, that´s how our community appears to me sometimes.

Your earlier pms to Rannoch were suggestive of that yes.  Something about needing to put his penis in somewhere.  As such I don't know what side of this metaphotical fence you really fall on.

Personslly, I'd say if you are attracted to animals you are zoophile.  And no, it's not zoophilia that is illegal, but it's physical manifestation as bestiality.  That I view as problematic.  But one can certainly be a legal zoophile.


5 hours ago, covfefelake said:

I don't know.  I learned some things from my limited time here.  But I'm unusual, admitedly.

I agree society is not at a place right now where they want to even consider you least of all grant you any tolerance.  But if you ask me that's equally on society as it is you.

And yes there is an echo-chamber effect here.  All closed-communities/"members only" clubs get like that.  I find devils advocate and logical deconstruction of arguments useful to fight this if you care to.

You, good sir: are the kind of people I made this sort of post for! I don't go out on the streets shouting 'LEARN ABOUT ZOOPHILIA HERE!', that's fucking idiotic and will probably get you shot. I don't give a shit about the public in general: however, it's the curious-minded like yourself that we should try ti interact with. I am sorry that you ended up here on the circumstances you did though. Even though you are neutral or unsure: that's still miles better than the usual 'communication' we receive.

26 minutes ago, covfefelake said:

Personslly, I'd say if you are attracted to animals you are zoophile.  And no, it's not zoophilia that is illegal, but it's physical manifestation as bestiality.  That I view as problematic.  But one can certainly be a legal zoophile.

It appears we share a common mindset here: this guy gets it! These are the good first steps to a more involved dialogue, research and even some studies about us. Hell IMHO we're less understood than murderers in some ways. Also, the statement about an 'Echo chamber' is very true: more so since we have to keep so 'tight' about everything.

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

Seems like "some of us" are way more into the Social Media aspects of Zoo, than the animals.  Whole pages of how horribly society treats us as we try to make social commentary, "educate" them, define us, disappointment that we are unappreciated by humanity, etc., etc., etc,.  And one sentence about animals.

Over 50 years of being zoo, the first 30 without any Social Media at all.  Complete secrecy, my business and no one else, happy about it.  If the dreadful "world's biggest bestiality board" showed me anything it was the wisdom of not going public.  

Social Media is an awful idea.  If it draws you like a moth to a flame, it destroys your life, but you just keep going back and learning nothing, THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM !    Quit trying to make the world aware of our high moral standards, their horrible oppression of our lifestyle, their whole awful misunderstanding of us, how much better things would be if we went more public and educated them all.  And how gawdawful life has become for "some of us" because of how abused "we" are for not learning to simply STFU.   Life is just not worth living if "we" can't make a huge spectacle to others of our wisdawsomverbositiviness?

I hope you're not referring to me here. I don't have -any- 'social media' accounts and it's going to stay that way: I can't stand human's stupidity on a daily basis in most normal situations around my life, let alone seeing the cesspool of everyone else's dumb shit. Hell I don't care about the news, I don't care about politics or political discourse to be fair, but that's a rant for another time possibly... Only exception is if it effects me directly or my loved ones / friends directly.. Or it's a 'huge thing' that could effect me. A bit dystopian I know but what can I say: I am a little detached to most of the social fabric in general.

I'm going to name drop here: especially considering these people were *TERRIBLE* samples and were both prominent in Social Media not only for throwing themselves out there but in one case for their shit information on the subject.. Or at least on Bestiality..

'Whitney Wisconsin' - the 'zoo troll' as myself and friends came to know her, and 

'Aluzky' - a guy who wanted to 'fight for Zoo Rights' (stupid anyways), but who also made videos of himself having sex with other's pets: not only that but who has reportedly (from his -own- words) had sex with hundreds of dogs. He had valid points in -some- cases, but made himself look like an idiot most of the time due to the fact that he threw up his 'Zoo Crusade' in people's faces: posting it on Social Media, making YouTUbe Videos, you name it, he did it. Society at large is not -ready- to deal with us yet: and constantly babbling in videos and on Twitter is only going to make us look worse. Let people who are curious, interested or questioning *come to you first!*

Now Whitney, oh good god Whitney.. She was a dumpster fire. Her only argument was Pro-Bestiality, not Zoophilia as a whole, but it didn't help. Especially since most people don't know the difference between the attraction and 'the act'. It also didn't help that her reasons were 'well, the Greeks did it!', 'you can't get knocked up', and 'you can't catch STDs...'. She also talked about the subject as if she was teaching a horny teenager to use a Dildo...

So yeah, in short don't fucking babble to everyone that you like dog dick, especially on the Social clap traps of the internet.. No one is going to like or support you for it. Again, let them come to you. I did with my friends and about 90% of them were not only accepting but didn't actually see much issue with the subject as a whole. Granted most of these people I've known for five-plus years.



We shouldn´t only try to interact with outsiders interested in our side , but also generally try to make it as easy as possible for outsiders to connect with us by staying "civil" in what we´re trying to sell to them. It´s not exactly a promising approach to insist on "being in a zoophile relationship with two men, a female, three shemales, six dogs, a water buffalo, twenty dragons, Sonic the Hedgehog, a couple of snails, a grasshopper and your pubic lice" , that´s not what most people ever will identify as "love" as they know it. Hence the possibility to see something in your "love" that resonates with them is zilch right from start. Or, to put it in simple terms, let the role models do the talking with the outside. It would tremendously help everyone if only the ones unfit for "public contact" would STFU for once. Zoophilia always was, is and will be a weirdo magnet, but no one has said that it´s obligatory to let those weirdos do the talking for the entire scene. 

The latin proverb "si taces, consentire videris" ( If you remain silent, you seem to agree) should also be kept in mind...speaking of Aluzky, there are still more than enough "zoos" out there who see him as a "hero" regardless of what he did and probably still is doing. Or the many cases in which a "zoo" got caught and our community automatically switches to defense mode, like the Espenau case. That´s what I (and heavyhorse too) are probably speaking of when we are saying "So much babble about zoophiles, but just one sentence about the animals". It really seems as if the animals have become just an accessoire to many..."Ihr habt lang vergessen, was die Prio is´" (You forgot long ago what the priority is)...and that´s not like it should be with folks insisting on "being the true animal friends". Just recently, the dailymail reported another case of a dog that has been put down because of bestiality...it doesn´t help zoophilia if we turn out to have adopted PETA´s Janusheadedness...which many of us obviously have. "Me and my interests before the animal" is NOT how the first zeta rule goes..."THE ANIMAL ALWAYS COMES FIRST"...even if you are "suffering" under the "oppression", it´s the animals whose safety and wellbeing comes far before yours. That´s what zoophilia is and there´s NO F´ing way you will redefine THIS like you did with the z-word, á la gusto. Real love defines itself by what you are willing to GIVE, not what you get.

Social media: the modern day poison massively influencing everything. If you don´t want to take it from me, just go over to reddit and search for "EquusCanis" and the constant fights he pulls off over there by "accidentally" letting slip he fucks animals. Drama, attention whoreism, belligerence...and all for..what? Pounding it down society´s throat against their will and wondering they spit it back out in your face? Really? Always be aware of how controversial zoophilia is and how badly we are represented with all the porn out there, many of it directly contradicting everything we claim...harmlessness, real love for the animal etc. etc.  Always ask yourself if you would put trust in the words of an "animal fucker" with all the hard evidence out there, the porn , the fencehopping, the financial exploitation of animals in the name of "zoophilia". Stand back from your own feelings and try to objectively decide whether you would believe any of us claiming real love for an animal...try to see through a normal´s eyes. Well, if you can´t be stopped being an "activist", that is...society never will accept zoophilia and bestiality on a large and generalised scale all of a sudden, but you surely can change minds of those close to you. Your friends who know more about you, who know what a person you are, that should be your target audience, not a general public ; and especially not with all the evidence that blasts our every single word of defense in an instant. Don´t try to win a battle that has been lost some decades ago already, don´t flog the dead horse. Have some self respect as zoos and understand what is happening, is going on in society, with all the Piunyans, Spinkses and Aluzkies out there. Don´t insist of "scientific reasoning" about a topic that´s almost entirely dependent on irrational feelings of love, I´ve rarely seen "zoos" trying to argue with their deep and innate feeling for one particular animal, yet that´s the best bet for us. I remember my own riding instructor, the one who´s been teaching me to become a riding instructor mentioning how my facial expressions became instantly softer when I was with my Hannover mare...she said "You really love your mare, aren´t you?" more than once. You cannot hide true love, others will get it from your mimics and your behaviour, no need to extend "explanations" long and wide. Manifest and demonstrate, don´t rely on talking. This community won´t prosper until we finally quit being the "padding station" for "zoos" with self esteem issues. Talking to others in forums like this, seeking their reassurance WILL NOT get rid of  your inner conflicts, it will only lay a nice layer of pink candy over it, but the issue reamins because you cannot find salvation in talking to others, you can only solve this conflict by yourself and with yourself. There´s no other way. Not the community and their reassuring babble, not trying to bury the conflict, ´cause it will be rising from its grave like a zombie. Have some self respect. 


I'm not sure "love" even comes into the picture of your rights battle at all frankly.

Sure, it's marketable, but this is an ethics dilema, not a PR campaign.  The issue at it's core is communication/consent not whether or not you look at eachother with lovey dovey eyes...


Seems like there is favoritism going on after all, considering my comment was deleted and 30-30's wasn't, even though they're were both personal comments. I made no insults, all I said was he was a hypocrite because like most zoophiles, he refuses to do a surgery which increases the animal's health with the cost of them probably not wanting sex anymore. Sometimes I wonder if more comments like these get deleted because the admin doesn't agree with the cold hard truth. After all, it's a thing I've never gotten a reply to. I think the weakest point of zoophilia communities is that they're ignoring important things like these, the truth that zoophiles are selfish as they would rather have sex than increase their ''lover's'' health and lifespan.

11 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Social media: the modern day poison massively influencing everything. If you don´t want to take it from me, just go over to reddit and search for "EquusCanis" and the constant fights he pulls off over there by "accidentally" letting slip he fucks animals. Drama, attention whoreism, belligerence...and all for..what?

I don't talk about it on purpose either, except when I want to troll others to get a laugh out of it. After all, I don't consider myself even a zoophile because I don't fuck animals (not anymore since months at least) and I have never ever had any true zoophilic feelings towards them (what a surprise). If you actually read my comments you'd see they bring it out of the blue in random arguments and not me.

Yeah, I poison your image on purpose. You want to know why? Not just because of negative attention, read the first part of my comment. The silencing of those who say the truth is just sad, so you all pretty much deserve the negativity until you sort your shit out. Get rid of all the hypocrisy and selfishness.

By the way, I'm not just on reddit, but also on different places. I've been witchhunted plenty of times on Steam. Back when I used to play online games I forced it down everyone's throats too, and the results were simply delicious because even in the middle of matches I'd argue with them for hours. Good times...


3 minutes ago, ouchies84 said:

Seems like there is favoritism going on after all, considering my comment was deleted and 30-30's wasn't, even though they're were both personal comments. I made no insults, all I said was he was a hypocrite because like most zoophiles, he refuses to do a surgery which increases the animal's health with the cost of them probably not wanting sex anymore. Sometimes I wonder if more comments like these get deleted because the admin doesn't agree with the cold hard truth. After all, it's a thing I've never gotten a reply to. I think the weakest point of zoophilia communities is that they're ignoring important things like these, the truth that zoophiles are selfish as they would rather have sex than increase their ''lover's'' health and lifespan.

I don't talk about it on purpose either, except when I want to troll others to get a laugh out of it. After all, I don't consider myself even a zoophile because I don't fuck animals (not anymore since months at least) and I have never ever had any true zoophilic feelings towards them (what a surprise). If you actually read my comments you'd see they bring it out of the blue in random arguments and not me.

Yeah, I poison your image on purpose. You want to know why? Not just because of negative attention, read the first part of my comment. The silencing of those who say the truth is just sad, so you all pretty much deserve the negativity until you sort your shit out. Get rid of all the hypocrisy and selfishness.

By the way, I'm not just on reddit, but also on different places. I've been witchhunted plenty of times on Steam. Back when I used to play online games I forced it down everyone's throats too, and the results were simply delicious because even in the middle of matches I'd argue with them for hours. Good times...

Your comment was deleted for personal attack. You just cannot seem to get the difference. You'd also do well to look over the forum a bit. I want your basic premise discussed, just not the attacks, thus have posed the query for you. I even gave my answer. Too bad you again chose to reveal yourself btw, as I now have to ban you. I suspected Silver but without proof that account would have remained...



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