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Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you

Well what can I say? I've been around the net sphere for a, well what feels, like a long time now. So much so that I'm considered part of the old guard.  Though there are others like Rammy who have been around longer then me. For the most part every one knows me from what was EZ before it faded out of existence.  Now I'm on ZF, but I have put my feet up at other places over the years.  I have a few pen names depending on what I'm writing for the most part my zoo stories are under the pen name of Bearwolf a combination of my two favorite animals, and two of my three spirit animals according to a Native American, a wiccan priest,  and a druid. Boy that sounds like the start of a bad joke.
I've always wanted to wright but I suffer from a few flaws that hold me back. The first is that I have a bit of a Fitzgerald complex and I never think any of my stuff is good enough.  I can't spell worth a damn. And linking stuff from point A to B is sometimes a bit of a chore.  I have lots of stuff where I have a start and ending just not the middle. Writers block sucks. Or I get so caught up in details I lose the motive and plot.
I love when I get the few stories where I'm there watching events unfolding, they are rare but we'll worth it.
I wright fantasy for the most part when I'm not wrighting zoo stuff. Though I've tried my hand at mystery and horror.


Welcome. I look forward to reading your work here. I think getting caught up in the details is a common problem for a good author, we try to squeeze so much of what our mind see's into what we want others to experience. I struggle daily with the "Is that divergence nessicary?" edits. I too enjoy it when a story really comes together, rare as it is.


Hello, doge1 (tiger1) 
Like the new site.
Some may know me already, but in my twenties, attracted to canines (labs, gsd, huskies, etc) and some farm animals to. Into technology, and all kinds of music.
Forgot to also mention, I do a little bit of writing if I have some ideas and have some time. I have a few I made, just not home to grab it and post here. 


Welcome Doge1


Hello.  I'm not sure if I should queue evil music now, or just try to pass as a "normal."
I say that because, heh, full disclosure time, I'm sorta infamous.  I'm banned from zoophilesforum for a bit of a batshit insane moment I had when my mate, Willow passed away around spring time 2013.  I admittedly behaved like a broken man and railed against the world and I'm still kinda feeling the feedback from that.  I can't blame them and I still have some friends there, but ultimately that wound will never heal.
I also was on zoophile.org back in the day as "Trangol," and basically acted like an under-medicated autistic kid.  Doesn't help my case much.
But trust me, I'm really just full of love and want hugs. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]
I'm a deer zoo who's currently sexually inactive...   when I lost Willow, my former Doe, I really...  really lost the desire altogether.  I now spend a lot of time working on a constant set of drafts of a scifi story with zoophilic themes.  There is a VERY old draft of it on zoophilesforum with a lot of flaws ("Broken Empire" I think).  The basic premise is that the story is written from the perspective of a space faring civilization (known as the "Empire") in which earth humans (referred to as the "Terrans") are the aggressors, and ultimately, conquerors of their people.  Think a native-american style story only set in space.
Both races are human and that plays deeply into the lore of the story, both claim to be the "original" humans and claim the other are long lost colonists of themselves.  Neither will concede that life could have sprung from anywhere but their homeworld, despite the flora and fauna being nearly identical.  The Terrans however, have some unique and very zoo like properties.  The ruling figure is actually a female animal, and the "emperor" is actually more of a "interpreter" in their lore.  They claim that the emperor can hear the words of the animal through a kind of telekinesis.  I won't say whether or not this is true, or how it is possible, that is for you to read! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]
The current draft is written from the perspective of the last "emperor" of the empire, as he stands trial on Earth for various war and social crimes.  The story is told as a playback of events during a "scrying" by the high court on Sol, a process which basically plays back a persons memories by reading their mind.  The story does not strive to demonize either party, rather to highlight the pain of conflict and highlight a tragedy that could have been solved in many instances by someone taking a bit longer to understand that which seems foreign to them.  I hope to encapsulate into this story the story of the zoophile, and encourage people to think twice before they judge in the form of a great story of good intentions gone horribly wrong, ultimately resulting in tragedy..
Wow, that was longer than I planned.  I hope to have some stuff posted soon! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]  My writing skills are somewhat out of date since I was rated as being "sharp" in college 3+ years ago (I'm a dropout yay...), so be nice. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]
PS:  Good to see you again Silverwolf!


Heh, you have an edit timer, damn you...  I'm going to have to think before I post now...  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]
Up there, it says the following:
"The Terrans however, have some unique and very zoo like properties."
Should read:
"The Empire however, has some unique and very zoo like properties."
The Terrans are as you'd expect, as anti-zoo as ever. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]
I need to stop posting at 5am and maybe I could get my own story right...


Welcome to the forum Rannoch. Good to see you again as well, and I look forward to reading your stories.


I have been around the zoo forums for many years. Have gone by a couple names, Been into dogs for many years now. If one has a question, feel free to ask them, and if I choose to answer them, I will do so. Most of the time I will, depending on the question at hand.
A few of the members here I known for some years, like Silverwolf, not sure if he knows me by this name or not. We are in a great forum of who we are and that is what counts mostly. Unlike the rest of the world don't care for us, but we are who we are.


 Most here probably know me from ZF and maybe BF.
 I amd a bit of a writer, when I get going.
 I did write a science fiction story in the 60's, but never tried to get it published, as once it was done, i decided it sucked.
 Meantime since, long since, i wrote a two part story that is on BF, ZF and even ASSTR.org.
 By the name of Geit Farm.
 Also wrote another called Shipwreck, but which is unfinished, ran into writers block.
 Maybe someday I'll write more for it.
 I did write one more chapter last year, but blocked again.
 I need to write when I think of a story, and not delay....


Glad to see ya here cab


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