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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia

Actaeon nailed the crux of the biscuit; "Don't get caught.
We can speak of Zoo "rights", but those, as such, are almost certainly unattainable. And as others oppressed have demonstrated, even if you do get them, rights do not necessarily manifest as useful results. Sometimes they can even work against you, making you a "target", where that did not exist before.
Pragmatically, rights are all but useless, without actual working protections to back them up. Indeed, in many, if not most or all cases, it is the protection, not the right, that means everything.
Following the imperative of "Don't get caught", it is there that we most need protection. There are the  things we can do ourselves, like discretion, concealment, exclusion, and other "internal" ways of preventing ourselves from getting caught.
Then there are the "external" protections, those that are provided by ethics, traditions, custom, policy, and law.
Of all the various protections. there is only one I know of that can help us "Don't get caught"...
Americans especially prize privacy, embedding it firmly into the aforementioned ethics, traditions, customs, policies, and laws. Most even presume it to be a constitutionally guaranteed right.
But everywhere, it is under attack. Not just from the usual suspects - government & law enforcement - but from business, industry, marketeers, technology, recreation, and ironically, the privacy-loving public-at-large.
Our personal data is a commodity, routinely shared and sold between various moneyed interests. Our purchases are recorded, logged, processed, and used to create personalized consumer profiles for marketeers. Our phones, cars, exercise monitors, and interactive children's toys are able to track our locations in real time, often also sending video and sound.
And just THIS day, I saw a story on the evening news that the higher end Roomba home robotic vacuum cleaners not only map your floor plan for route planning, they are "phoning home", sending this info to the parent company, iRobot, who are mulling over plans to sell the information to the highest bidder!
And then there are the hackers, breaking into web cams, nanny cams, baby monitors, Furby's, and any other device that has a camera, a microphone, or any other electronic device that receives, processes, stores, or transmits data or human-recognizable information.
And privacy is even being threatened by the very people that are threatened by its loss.
By spilling out their lives on social media sites, taking intimate market surveys in exchange for the chance to enter a contest for overinflated prizes they have little chance to win, customers signing up for retail "club cards" or "rewards" plans, in lieu of "everyday reasonable prices". Making nearly all their purchases with credit & debit cards, not only giving up information, but paying out interest & fees for the "privilege".
And these just barely scratch the surface!
This is where our interest and the interest of society in general converge; the threat to privacy and the need to preserve it. We can fight for privacy "rights" along with the rest of society, without any social repercussions, as long as we don't reveal our own particular reason.
On that front, our enemies are the common enemies of the rest of society. And it is there that we have the best chance of making the best gains.
But we must remember, privacy is both external and internal. We need to work for laws and policies that spell out and enforce rules for protection, AND we must do our own part to directly preserve our privacy at the nuts-and-bolts level.
Among the external:
Support legislation that promotes and protects privacy rights.
Vote for candidates that honestly support privacy protections.
Petition for recall or impeachment of those that have or would compromise, sell-out. or take away privacy protections.
Push for meaningful privacy policies at work, school, and other institutions.
Seek to advance guidelines to policy, and policy to law.
Among the internal:
Don't livestream anything and everything.
Don't spill your private guts out on facebook or twitter,
Robust-password your baby monitors, nannycams and other home surveillance systems and devices.
Where you can, use cash.
Disable the spyware devices in your children's toys or just don't buy them.
Shop at non club-card stores.
Don't give out valuable information for the opportunity to enter a prize contest.
Use cash.
Speak your honest mind in the appropriate forums, but don't include real-life information.
Keep your computer software updated.
Those would be a start.
Our best, and probably our only "real", Zoo rights are going to be privacy rights.
And only if they are real working privacy protections, and not just symbolic "paper tiger" rights.
Those are what we need to fight for.
Resident Hyaena ^..^


OK all we have majorly gone off topic here. I don't mind having the rights or laws argument of descussion but can we please do so in its own topic.
Can we get back to zoos into paganism spiritualism shamanism here please.


Quote:<div> ​
I'm trying to not piss in your wheaties here. I have dealt with deja-vu for many years, it's pretty convincing when you're experiencing it, at least it is for me. I don't know exactly what you're experiencing, but I'm willing to bet it's the same thing most of the rest of us experience from time to time. I was a believer in what I perceived in these bouts of deja-vu and some dreams I have for a very long time and when I experience it even now the feeling is compelling, but I've tested my experiences. When I have feelings of deja-vu, I like to grab a paper and pen as quickly as I can and record exactly what's *going to happen before it does*. I've found that while the feeling is genuine, the premonitions are not and I have yet to have a reliable premonition, even if it feels convincing. I don't know what's going on in your mind, but I'd bet dollars to donuts it's effectively the same thing. Maybe you are experiencing what you claim, the only way to know for sure is to test it.
It is also possible that your mind filled in those details after the fact. Again, I'm not inside your head, I don't claim to know what is absolutely going on in there, all I am saying is that without verifiable evidence it's not especially trustworthy.
Again, I'm not trying to be a jerk and I'm not saying it's all in your head, what I am saying is keep in mind that it might be. It's only by making predictions and testing them that we can know for sure.
See, I've had these for years and many of them have been absolutely convincing. I recall dreaming of an event that occured in Tucson some 2 years after the dream. As of late, I have a special perspective on deja-vu as gabapentin, which I sometimes take, causes it to manifest quite frequently. I have noted that if I do not write down details during the event, it seems 100% real and reliable after the fact, but when I do write them down that reliability goes straight to zero as the "envisioned details" do not match what actually happens.
I'm open to possibilities that I am wrong and there are many things I would find convincing enough to change my mind, what would change yours? I'm not out to change your mind, just to get you to consider that there are other possibilities that may explain the events better. The only way to know for certain is to test it.
Care to elaborate on this? If you are interested, I can help you test this.
</div>Im positive that my mind didn't fill in the details after the fact, the whole reason I started looking for a dog was that dream.. That specific dog, and I found him, the exact same dog, isn't that testing my dream, and getting a concrete result.. I've had multiple dreams that events were gonna happen to a great detail, I have also tested these dreams to see if they were real premonitions, whether you believe it or not I don't really care..
Just because you have "yet to experience something" doesn't mean that it is not real.. All of my permintions have been dead on, I've seen multiple things play out in dreams, that happened exactly the same weeks later in reality..
Bet all the money in the world its just an illusion, do as your heart pleases, it doesn't make it so, you would just be wasting time. Your right your not in my head, you will question what's outside of your perception, it's a natural reaction to not understanding or relating to something; everybody on a lower plane of existence will do so...
I Could prove to you that I can change reality with just a sigil or spell, but what's the saying "you can't teach a old dog new tricks" you obviously are set in mind to not believe it, so even if I gave you proof, you'd try to justify it with some other reasoning, like a big majority of people do.. So I'm not gonna waste my time trying to prove myself to somebody that clearly doesn't understand what's going on...


Quote:OK all we have majorly gone off topic here. I don't mind having the rights or laws argument of descussion but can we please do so in its own topic.
Can we get back to zoos into paganism spiritualism shamanism here please.
I agree with bear28 even though it was me who kinda changed the subject for a minute..
Please let's all get back on topic


Btw when I say lower plan of existence I don't mean it in a bad way, there are several planes or realities that one can open..
The lower planes are used to describe the status of those who have not found their true inner power, the only way to do so is unlocking all of your Chakras and being at true piece and acceptance of who you are..
The craft is not an easy practice to learn, and it may not work for some, but I do believe everybody has energy in them that they can harness..
Wether they choose to or not is up to them;. And Solely just that..


Brings to mind a saying I once heard "in order to love yourself, you can't hate the experiences that shaped you" I believe this to be true, and I feel this is one thing that holds people back in Magick and in life.
In the decade I've been in the craft I've mostly mastered it, it took years of study and dedication, it wasn't easy at all, my blood, sweat, and tears have been part of this path along the way.. My practices involve healing Majick as I'm shaman and a variety of other Magick as well, I believe acts of selflessness like helping people even if I don't know them go a long way.. That's one thing that took me a while to look past, I may dislike people, but I see all living beings as sacred even so..


Love has alot to do with Majick believe it or not, without love and light Magick wouldn't exist..


Willpower has a lot to do with it as well. Yes love plays a role but it is your will that helps to shape and give derection to spell work. 
But im a balincing type myself. There is a balance to the univers and I try to walk in harmony with it. Something that is no easy task.


Quote:Willpower has a lot to do with it as well. Yes love plays a role but it is your will that helps to shape and give derection to spell work. 
But im a balincing type myself. There is a balance to the univers and I try to walk in harmony with it. Something that is no easy task.
Right I agree with you, love is law, but will is the basis of magick, it isn't a easy task to be at balanced with the universe, it took me a year of living out in the woods just to master using elemental Magick, without candles...


But back on the subject of shamans being relative to zoophilia, legend has it that many shamans would have sex with their spirit guides in the astral realm for power for healing spells.. its said that the energy created from merging two spirits out of body is enough to bring healing to the sick people that seeked a shamans help.. this tradition is still done by some shamans to this day but not many.. I believe it's true though as I've felt the energy from astral sex and it is unearthly and indescribable compared to magical work in the physical world..


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