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Very scared of the vegan movement. need some help to calm down.

7 hours ago, Unbreakable said:

@Eagle, The animal rights movement is about bringing domestic animals to extinction. 

I am part of the animal rights movement, and I am not trying to make domestic animals extinct, nor are most.  Stop painting us all with the same brush.  Don't make things up about what I say because I support a movement for animal rights, nor others, like me, that are advocates for animals rights.  You keep repeating this, its a lie every time you make this claim about every person supporting animal rights.  You've insulted me every single you've done this, and millions of others at the same time.

Its no more right to judge me based on what someone else whom is an advocate for animal rights, than it is to judge all zoophiles based on what zoosadists do.  Why is that so hard to understand?


I wasn't trying to insult you, eagle. I'm the type of person who always looks for answers to my anxious and troubled mind that is full of questions. I'm not the most social person and don't really talk too much to other humans, but I never meant to lump everyone up the in same group.

Have you been to websites such as reddit/r/vegan peta, and websites such as mercy for animals and compassion over killing?  all farm sanctuary websites I visited oppose the breeding of animals.

I have tried very hard to google vegans who support breeding while avoiding animal products and all I get are websites saying "ITS IMMORAL TO HAVE PETS!"

If you got a link to a vegan website that supports breeding then I would love to see it because I cannot find even find one.




Again, you are letting some few speak for the whole group.  That is tribalism.  Its no more better to do that than for someone else to judge all zoophiles by those whom make the news.  Its also the same as saying "look, someone crossing the border is dealing drugs, therefor everyone crossing the border is dealing drugs!"  Its hyperbolic prejudism.

Don't paint everyone interested in something with one brush.  Its not fair when its done to us, that doesn't mean have your revenge by doing it to others.  Finding examples of someone whom is X whom is extreme and over the line does not mean that all X are extreme nor over the line.


I'm still trying to find a vegan website that supports the breeding of animals, can you link one at all?


Most vegans don't have their own website.

And I myself am not supportive of the animal-breeding-for-profit industry.


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