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11 hours ago, shortleash said:

hello and welcome...you had many experiences i wish i had....

Better late than never--       [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="B|" width="20" />


Sorry, but I have to contradict here. Sometimes, never is the better option. You can fuck through an entire zoo, all species, all sexes...and still don´t get what zoophilia is all about. The physical act is basically meaningless without love...and I´m talking about real love, not self love and "self fulfillment" by working through a bucket list. 



On ‎19‎.‎03‎.‎2018 at 10:08 PM, heavyhorse said:

Yes.  There are songs by a particular artist that I can't listen to, even though I liked them; they were popular during the last days.  It still all just comes rushing back.  *There must be something in my eyes just now*

I assume one of the major genetic modifications to the Island Animals that wasn't mentioned was a more sensible life span. . . . . . .

 Well, ask me about songs from Bjork´s "Homogenic" album if you want to find something that immediately makes me cry like a little kid. Especially her song "Joga", originally written to honour one of Bjork´s close friends named Joga instantly brings me to tears since this was kinda "our song", the one song that condensed my emotions into one piece of art. I often heard that particular song on my car´s Cd player while I was driving the 15 kilometers from home to the riding club she was standing at. Since her death on january, 7th 2016 , I haven´t heard this song again, haven´t touched my Bjork CD ever since and probably will never listen to that song again for the rest of my life. Too painful, even after almost 2.5 years...and I doubt it will be much different in 25...

The next time this song will be played in my presence, I´ll be ashes and reunited with my Hannover mare´s ashes in her urn.

PS: Since this forum has finally installed some much needed safety measures with the " member or fuck off" approach at the "entrance" and due to the fact that I already uploaded some pictures (non sexual, non identifiable of course) of my mare and me in her eulogy thread on reddit, I can offer to reupload them in here if anyone who hasn´t seen them is interested....if it doesn´t violate the rules in here, of course. I´m already shuffling through my pic archive to give Saturnine the pics of my own artwork I promised him, so it won´t be much additional hassle for me to give you all a tiny glimpse of what my relationship with my mare was like.   


Edit: Thanks to AmoreBestia, the ex mod of the zoo sub reddit, I don´t even have to reupload pictures...they´re still available on the zoo reddit archive.

The first link will lead you to my thread I made shortly after she left me https://zooish.net/r/zoophilia/post_433298.html to give context and the second link https://zooish.net/r/zoophilia/post_43cpn0.html will forward you to my thread including the pictures. (Thanks AB for deleting the link to my throat tattoo image, much appreciated) 




"Login to view" notwithstanding, it would still be foolish not to assume that there are trolls and "planted" spies registered as members watching our every move.


Question:  How do new members register?  I haven't seen the "Signup" option since the "Login to view" (which I completely agree with, BTW).


You´re right, one should never feel too sure about his safety, but the pics were out and openly accessible on the reddit sub for more than two years and nothing happened. Pics are non sexual...well, except the kissing photo perhaps...and I put an extra eye on keeping all details out of the pics that could get me identified. I´m not the only riding instructor with that "extravagant" hairdo. One other thing that´s worth mentioning: because of my "intolerant" and "hateful" views and my tendency to not categorically rule out any criticism towards zoophilia and the community, it seems that even some of the worst "anti zoo" hunters become inexplicably mild towards me. One example of this would be Carsten Thierfelder, Germany´s top notch "anti zoo" agitator. When I started a fight on BF targetting a user named "Welshpony" for his published porn, Thierfelder reacted on his own website, directly speaking to me with a clemency towards "one of those animal fuckers" unseen ever before. Another example would be reddit itself where I had some conversations with members from the cringeanarchy sub, usually a fortress of hate towards zoos. Because I tried to find some middle ground with two of the most vocal opposers (LadySaberCat and AlphaOmegaSith) , some form of mutual agreement between the frontlines was achieved. Showing a consistent moral compass beyond the laissez faire dogma that dominates our community tremendously helps, you know. You can´t shake hands with clenched fists...

Nonetheless, I´m aware of the risks...but with the experience of more than two decades living with my mare in public boarding stables and a firm belief in the original zeta rules keeping trouble off me since I helped formulate them in the beginning of the nineties, I´m quite confident that I won´t be at risk ...well, not more than living in a stable full of other horseowner outsiders for the entirety of my mare´s life. And even if someone is trying to take up my "scent", well, I´ll be emigrating to another country pretty soon as it seems, with all bridges burnt and all connections cut. When ZETA members can show their faces openly to the public and still remain untouched by law, why should I worry? Without any real incriminating evidence in the form of animal porn showing my mare and me red handed, I have good chances to get away because in Germany, the principle of "Innocent until proven (!) guilty" still means something.  I don´t know about the situation overseas, but here in Europe, a few lines of text typed in forums and harmless pictures clearly not AP won´t suffice to be punished. 


hello and welcome....how these intro threads tend to wonder off...many of these thought belong in general zoo section...geez...


should be....thoughts....


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