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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

15 minutes ago, conke said:

Makes sense, but zoophilia is a mental disorder. You develop it from trauma or mental illnesses. A mentally healthy zoophile simply doesn't exist. The issues coming from society treating us like monsters only come later.

Uhhh...I had a normal, nurturing upbringing. I'd like to see citable resources on that argument.


2 minutes ago, Danelove said:

Uhhh...I had a normal, nurturing upbringing. I'd like to see citable resources on that argument.

Be careful what you wish for.  I've seen a few peer reviewed studies attempting to link violence to zoophilia and similar.  Sadly. they should never have gotten the status they did.  The study's sample bias was beyond horrible (prison inmates).

You may as well attempt to link prisons to murder.


Why I am pissed off by your reappearance here, WarCanine? That´s simple, because it was quite predictable you´d derange and hijack another thread in here and made it all about you once again. What could have been a fruitful discussion about WGW´s interesting and insightful original post and could have led to something productive once again is now orbiting around you again. You, the "super duper experienced zoophile", as you recently told outsiders on reddit...what made me laugh because my memory is functioning. One year ago, you constantly whined about not being able to have PiV intercourse with your dog. But enough with that.

On the issue of misanthropy and hugs from furless monkeys, the funny thing about this is that the only ones accusing me of misanthropy are bestialists/inclusives. I´ve never been accused of that by any "normal" person because they seem to understand perfectly why I don´t want any close intimacy with humans at all. And by the way, I´m a long time veggie and don´t want to have any contact with meat, I don´t touch it, I refuse dishes that have meat on it (  "just eating around the meat" won´t work for me) ...but no one ever has accused me of "hating meat", so that´s that. But I´m writing way too much again, wasting my sparse spare time I could otherwise use to get through AC:Odyssey. So I´ll be off to Ancient Greece again, staring at the strangely well modeled horse backsides. 




23 hours ago, Danelove said:

guess right now I'm rationalising my attraction somewhat as being very little in difference to being bisexual or a lesbian; there is a latent desire that I didn't know I had until recently, and I'm trying to figure out what that means, to decide whether I am in fact emotionally or physically harming Nelson, the long term repercussions of my relationship with my boyfriend and the consequence and outcome of pursuing such a lifestyle.

I don't...Think I could exclusively be with my pupper, but I have to confess that since my boyfriend kind of...Walked me towards experimenting, a lot has made sense in my life and I don't think I could go without the intimacy from my pupper either.

Sadly most of these things you'll have to discover on your own Dane, many of us can offer some advice: but one of the hardest things about this is, that it's very personal obviously. Something I can tell you first-hand: don't listen to the strong pessimism floating around the net, don't beat yourself up over it. Researching is a good thing and self-discovery is as well, but as stated in my OP it can lead to very dark places if you're led astray by moral posturing and society itself.

You definitely are an inclusive, that's for sure (IMHO, that is). There's no problem in that either as long as you and your human S.O. are on good terms and will stay so, things can go nasty though if there's a breakup or something though.

As far as your pup, apart from say eagerness for an action, I'd say if he's A) returning and B) not showing signs of duress for an action (E.g. lowered / tucked tail, nervous panting, skittishness, etc..) you're most definitely not harming him mentally. If there's anything you'd like to discuss further or in private I'm open to PMs. Also, on a quick note: an animal, unless routinely exposed and forced to accept it: will very clearly and very easily show signs of discomfort or pain. Yelps, growls, nips, backing away and even outright bolting are all signs that something is physically not right: though not always, so care is a must here.

9 hours ago, covfefelake said:

It's certainly a paraphilia.  But it's NOS (not otherwise specified) in the DSM if I'm not mistaken.  Such disorders are typically treated only as mentally harmful if they cause the individual distress.

Correct, it is a Paraphilia and a rather unstudied one at that. It's origins are somewhat unknown (to my knowledge) as are it's causes (like with most Paraphilias). It can be a Mental Disorder or classed as one if it's caused the person harm or major distress, or interferes with daily life. Like you said though it's hard to really prove or disprove it's true status as a disorder or a simple 'oddity'.

One thing too: we don't even know the full extend of our own brains, so there's no way we can one-hundred percent say -what-- is going through our non-human partner's / lover's brains. It's a big unknown on a lot of fronts. We can only really go off of reading their 'communication' (body language) and the assumption / fact that a non-human -usually- doesn't practice things like deception.


23 hours ago, 30-30 said:

wanted to answer to your OP since you posted it but I´m kinda busy right now with AC:Odyssey. But I promise I´ll work through your text in the next few days, to clarify a few things and point at some flaws I see.

So, to the admins: I'm sorry for the double-post but I had to address this once I seen it.

30-30, I've red many, and I mean many of your posts to other members here: as well as on Reddit, yes I'm a long-time lurker.

My general opinion of you is not a good one, I can honestly just outright say I don't like you: to the point of -really- not liking you. If you're going to march through my original texts and try to 'critique' me on how to be a 'proper zoo', save your keystrokes my German fellow: I'm not perfect but I've learnt a lot of lessons the hard way, had my share of good and bad experiences, and had plenty of ass-whoopins' handed out to me by people far older and wiser than myself and you put together. I've not had a hard life, but I've had my share of loss and heartbreak.

Also, by that statement it seems you at least failed to read the beginnings of the post: you know, where I said I wasn't attacking, demeaning, demoralizing, or trying to defame someone unless they really deserved it. Those are my opinions, and more of a ramble: a way to vent and express some things I've picked up on and learned. I have no problems with criticism, and I'll probably be warned for this: but it helps when that criticism isn't from someone who doesn't come across as a jerk and condescending full-time. Sorry: but I had to say it.



I decided to unhide 30-30.  Mostly because he appears to be a major player here and my initial attack on him was...  emotional.  I had lost a friend recently and the implications he made stung.  I try to be the better man though so I'm backing off.

At any rate, let me offer an honest assesment of you having read your posts tonight that I've been missing, 30-30.  As I see your supposed "misanthropy" has come up.

You to me, do seem genuinely misanthropic.  But I fully admit I can't pin it down to any one thing.  Perhaps it's the praise of horse over man/woman, which to me is foreign.  I will entertain that possibility for now.  But what you do have (and this has no bearing on misanthropy) is an abrasive personality and at times quite hypocritical mindset that confuses and perplexes me.  I don't picture you being a very "friendly" person frankly.

So maybe not quite an accusation of "misantropy" from a non-zoo, but you do frighten me in your own way.  I mean that as nonoffensively as it can possibly be said, but it still needs to be said.


3 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

So, to the admins: I'm sorry for the double-post but I had to address this once I seen it.

30-30, I've red many, and I mean many of your posts to other members here: as well as on Reddit, yes I'm a long-time lurker.

My general opinion of you is not a good one, I can honestly just outright say I don't like you: to the point of -really- not liking you. If you're going to march through my original texts and try to 'critique' me on how to be a 'proper zoo', save your keystrokes my German fellow: I'm not perfect but I've learnt a lot of lessons the hard way, had my share of good and bad experiences, and had plenty of ass-whoopins' handed out to me by people far older and wiser than myself and you put together. I've not had a hard life, but I've had my share of loss and heartbreak.

Also, by that statement it seems you at least failed to read the beginnings of the post: you know, where I said I wasn't attacking, demeaning, demoralizing, or trying to defame someone unless they really deserved it. Those are my opinions, and more of a ramble: a way to vent and express some things I've picked up on and learned. I have no problems with criticism, and I'll probably be warned for this: but it helps when that criticism isn't from someone who doesn't come across as a jerk and condescending full-time. Sorry: but I had to say it.


You condemn me for a reply I haven´t even written yet? Really? (Spoiler: it would have been a very kind one, but I guess I´ll have to rethink that now... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> )And another thing: being an asshole doesn´t mean in any way that this asshole is wrong on default. Those two don´t correlate.Well, or only if one´s ego stands in the way...  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 


14 hours ago, covfefelake said:

I shouldn't respond to a banned user as I'm already on thin ice, but I'll do so as Rannoch was also banned from several communities (not here, so not blaming silverwolf) and I can't know your mental state.  Let me say this reply is only to answer your question in hopes it will benefit your mental state and I really have no desire to converse on site further.

Rannoch seemed normal if a bit Autistic (mean no offense by that, and am only stating him because I knew him in person).  Quite a few attitudes here (yours included, if you want me to be honest) are bizarre though, often times not in a good way.  Paranoia, misanthropy, and misogyny are some I've seen in my limited time here.

That said, I've also seen some remarkably bright individuals capable of tremendous good.  But I think the percentages of bad individuals are indeed higher, frankly.

That may be a condition of societies treatment of you.  I'd certainly blame it on that before the zoophilia itself, if that's what you mean. 

Also with both you and Rannoch there is quite a strong attatchment to names I have noted.  Me?  The internet is anonymous for a reason.  That being said:

This is so bizarre.  Are you openly admitting to banning usernames and not behaviors?  What on earth does him coming back under another name and hiding accomplish if it's actually against your rules to ban evade a behavioral ban?  You are practically endorsing that here.  Please, at least pretend and be consistent / enforce the written rules?


Many banned users have returned to the places they were banned and continued without a pause. Most folk have gone through many usernames because of bans and other such hold-ups on their old ones. If I do not know who you are/ were I cannot effectively enforce a ban. I was simply highlighting this. It is a distasteful but common practice.



11 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Why I am pissed off by your reappearance here, WarCanine? That´s simple, because it was quite predictable you´d derange and hijack another thread in here and made it all about you once again. What could have been a fruitful discussion about WGW´s interesting and insightful original post and could have led to something productive once again is now orbiting around you again

Ah yes, even though you pointed out that it was me. If you didn't do it then this wouldn't have happened at all because I was looking to start over with a new identity (which would cause no problems). Not only did you cause the cancer, you spread it by replying again. I'll admit I'm doing the same thing because I could stop replying now, but I won't allow you to have the last word because it looks like you'd win. I despise humans who act innocent and get away with it. No, just no.

If you look in this thread, you can see it's been slightly derailed to references or hugs, yet somehow I am the one who has to be blamed here. Mhhhmn.

It's never your fault, right? It's funny because you always have to talk about how awesome you really are and what you do. You're so blinded by your undeserved pride that you think it's always someone else's fault.

11 hours ago, 30-30 said:

You, the "super duper experienced zoophile", as you recently told outsiders on reddit...what made me laugh because my memory is functioning. One year ago, you constantly whined about not being able to have PiV intercourse with your dog. But enough with that.

''But enough with that.'' yet you just brought it up for no reason at all. Excuse me, what?

What has PiV sex to do with experience (it doesn't even gain you a single bit of knowledge from other kinds of sex)? Fencehopping and other sexual experiences don't exist, right? What about emotional or romantic experiences? I guess those don't exist in your relationship or the ones you've already had (although I don't think you can have romantic experiences with a pile of ash).

Not to mention I'm usually talking about experience with animals in general, but I guess everything has to be sex in your mind. I'm specialized in multiple species while your life revolves around horses, so you shouldn't say much.


5 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Sadly most of these things you'll have to discover on your own Dane, many of us can offer some advice: but one of the hardest things about this is, that it's very personal obviously. Something I can tell you first-hand: don't listen to the strong pessimism floating around the net, don't beat yourself up over it. Researching is a good thing and self-discovery is as well, but as stated in my OP it can lead to very dark places if you're led astray by moral posturing and society itself.

You definitely are an inclusive, that's for sure (IMHO, that is). There's no problem in that either as long as you and your human S.O. are on good terms and will stay so, things can go nasty though if there's a breakup or something though.

Thankfully, I've always been fairly open with my S/O's and left on good terms...Not that I'm thinking of him as an ex.

5 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

As far as your pup, apart from say eagerness for an action, I'd say if he's A) returning and B) not showing signs of duress for an action (E.g. lowered / tucked tail, nervous panting, skittishness, etc..) you're most definitely not harming him mentally. If there's anything you'd like to discuss further or in private I'm open to PMs. Also, on a quick note: an animal, unless routinely exposed and forced to accept it: will very clearly and very easily show signs of discomfort or pain. Yelps, growls, nips, backing away and even outright bolting are all signs that something is physically not right: though not always, so care is a must here.

OK that makes me feel ok. He seems to enjoy it; it was just something I saw about my fingers causing him pain cause of the oils, so I guess I may have to look for a guide on oral sex.




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