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My experience as a Zoo, Inclusive v. Exclusive, personal insight and more.

2 hours ago, DierenLul said:

.  .   .     .        .          .


3 hours ago, 30-30 said:

.  .     .         .              .                   .

Pot.   Kettle.


15 hours ago, Danelove said:

OK that makes me feel ok. He seems to enjoy it; it was just something I saw about my fingers causing him pain cause of the oils, so I guess I may have to look for a guide on oral sex.

As this isn't the place for this, I'll PM you some info Dane. I don't have huge amounts but I do have experience handling a male canine and can offer a few tips to make sure you both get a good bit of enjoyment from it. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

17 hours ago, 30-30 said:

You condemn me for a reply I haven´t even written yet? Really? (Spoiler: it would have been a very kind one, but I guess I´ll have to rethink that now... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> )And another thing: being an asshole doesn´t mean in any way that this asshole is wrong on default. Those two don´t correlate.Well, or only if one´s ego stands in the way...  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

I'm not going to say much more other than I don't seek your, or anyone else's approval really. I appreciate the sharing of knowledge and meeting of minds: stroking of ego and 'cred' really mean fuck all to me. Especially when someone makes it a point to be an asshole and constantly is condescending to almost everyone they talk to. You have flashes of brilliance and even good ideas at times man: I've seen it. You just let your 'old fucker' and 'OG Old School Zoo' status take over. /Rant, this is as far as I go commenting on my perspective of you as this isn't the place nor the time for that.



Have you ever tried to figure out why I might be this way, WGW? What my heart is beating for? And that my attitude is nothing I am glad to have, but are literally forced to have from all the experiences with the "community" ? In case you haven´t , I´m nearly done with AC and will write an in depth explanation for all of that. I will , against my usual procedure, totally abstain from any blame game and just tell you how I feel about all of this, what it has done with me since I joined the community in the beginning of the nineties. Maybe you´ll understand me better then...


13 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Have you ever tried to figure out why I might be this way, WGW?

I like to reference this chart for statements like this:

[Image: 85rmnf3np6t11.jpg]


You pretty much are using both a red herring here and a hasty generalization.  At least if we assume your implication is that zoophiles made you this way (which I assume it is).

The red herring is that because you were exposed to bad zoophiles in the community (assuming that's your implication), we should therefore the community as a whole is bad.  No.  Quoting the robot, that is unfortunate but is also irrelevant and only serves as a distraction from any valid argument.  It also doubles as a hasty generalization because there is no way you got a large enough sample to tell anything about a big group like this.


Maybe you´ll understand me better then...

I'll keep my chart handy (I like it because it feature robots).


...and I´ll keep my "fakes death in the internet and pretends to be an outsider" chart ready as well...


1 hour ago, 30-30 said:

...and I´ll keep my "fakes death in the internet and pretends to be an outsider" chart ready as well...

Clever.  You are quite the one trick pony (pun intended).

Begging the claim.

Oh, and I hope you realize many here know what actually occured with Rannoch, and you are doing yourself no favors by appearing to be such an ass to a sensitive issue.

Ask yourself:  Registrations were closed here for some time, and yet I applied and even got an account somehow.  Could it not be that I have indeed been independently validated to be who I say I am?  If so, how does that make you look right now?

Food for thought.


I'm puzzled what Rannoch would've gained by faking his own death anyway, seeing as he was obsessed with maintaining a persistent online persona?


23 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Have you ever tried to figure out why I might be this way, WGW? What my heart is beating for? And that my attitude is nothing I am glad to have, but are literally forced to have from all the experiences with the "community" ? In case you haven´t , I´m nearly done with AC and will write an in depth explanation for all of that. I will , against my usual procedure, totally abstain from any blame game and just tell you how I feel about all of this, what it has done with me since I joined the community in the beginning of the nineties. Maybe you´ll understand me better then...

Dude, seriously. I am not interested in what you have to say. Go pester someone else, this is getting old. I've had my share of shit experiences too: some that drove me to a deep depression. Yet, somehow, I managed to stay positive, I managed to find people (few and far between) whom I called good friends in this community (not here, but on other old forums...). The fact that you paint *us* as a whole, as mostly bad or straight all bad: really just angers me, quite a lot as well. I've seen you trash people on Reddit, here in these forums... and this....

2 hours ago, 30-30 said:

..and I´ll keep my "fakes death in the internet and pretends to be an outsider" chart ready as well...

If you are saying this about Rannoch, which I sincerely hope you are not: then that's a whole, new, fucking, level


34 minutes ago, covfefelake said:

Clever.  You are quite the one trick pony (pun intended).

Begging the claim.

Oh, and I hope you realize many here know what actually occured with Rannoch, and you are doing yourself no favors by appearing to be such an ass to a sensitive issue.

Ask yourself:  Registrations were closed here for some time, and yet I applied and even got an account somehow.  Could it not be that I have indeed been independently validated to be who I say I am?  If so, how does that make you look right now?

Food for thought.

This quote (up there ^) seems to make me think you are doing just that, especially this particular statement:

36 minutes ago, covfefelake said:

Oh, and I hope you realize many here know what actually occured with Rannoch, and you are doing yourself no favors by appearing to be such an ass to a sensitive issue.

I don't know the whole Rannoch story from beginning to end: I didn't know him, nor do I know his friend very well (yet, but maybe: you know, the beauty of communication and all...). I do know though that Rannoch and 30-30 had a more than colorful history.. 

That would certainly be a top-tier troll, and an outright scum lord to claim someone faked their death: when people they knew in a community could vouch otherwise.

... Yeah, don't waste your time 30-30.






2 hours ago, 30-30 said:


Thanks for showing some empathy.  Good to know you're human.


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